neko | lams

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john laurens
Alex and I had been venturing for a potion for days. It was said that the potion could cure the sick, but it was also a long wait to get it.

The only real reason we were going to get it was because Lafayette was in a severely lethal state. He's been getting worse and worse, so we just had to go. Unfortunately, Hercules didn't want to come with us because he insisted on staying with Laf.

If this whole legend thing is correct, then we will probably run into this witch named Maria. She's apparently very dangerous.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see.


"Alex!" I screamed as Maria shot a bolt of particles from her hands at him. In a state of panic, I ran faster than the speed of sound.

Yes, bitch. I'm the fuckin' Flash. (sorry)

I jumped in front of him and the particles seeped into my chest. I fell onto the grassy area and there was a brief moment of silence.

Maria took a step towards me with two potions. "You're worthy," she stated, "loyal, and I believe that you really would do anything for your friend."

There was a sense of pain in between my ribs, and I let out a groan. Alex still stood behind me. "Don't you lay a finger on him," Alex taunted.

Maria laughed broadly and then crouched down to me. She handed me the blue potion that she had been holding. "This can cure your friend," she stated. She then walked over to Alex, handing him the orange potion. "And this is if you want your friend back. He'll be fine, but it'll take about two hours to really kick in."

"What do you mean?" He growled. Maria stepped back and smiled deviously. "What do you mean?" He yelled again.

The pain in my chest was really starting to hurt, and I felt as though breathing was a hard task. "Agh!" I yelped. Alex turned to me.

In a moment, Alexander chucked a knife at Maria, however Maria dropped a smoke bomb and she disappeared.

"John, are you okay?" He asked me while holding me.

"Burning," I grunted. My head and back started to ache as well, and my eyelids fell heavy.

"John, stay with me," Alex said soothingly. I nodded, falling into darkness. "John!"


I woke up to the sound of whistling and a fire crackling. My backside was hot, but my front was cold. Remembering what happened, I jolted upwards.

"Oh, John you're awake," Alex smiled. I nodded and realized we were in a small cave with a fire going.

"Nya~!" I yelped without even really intending to. "That hurt!"

"Pfft!" Alex laughed.

"What the hell is," I started before I looked down at the source of pain. There was a black cat tail that had hit the fire. My breathing intensified and I reached up on my head to feel two fuzzy ears. "What the hell?" I yelled.

"It was probably from Maria's little spell," Alex explained. I would be angry at him, but he looked hot as hell with the fire glowing on his skin.

"But what do I do about it?" I said, madly wavering at my new body parts.

"Couldn't tell you," Alex shrugged. "I carried you the majority of the way back to the village. Maybe we can figure it out when we get back."

I tried to groan but it came out as a growl. Alex just laughed again and I scolded him.


"So... You're a cat?" Hercules asked, placing the now empty potion bottle on the ground. Lafayette grumbled and turned to his other side.

"A neko," Alex explained, "scientifically." I rolled my eyes and my tail swished from side to side angrily. "What?"

"Just- We need to find a way to get me back to normal," I grumbled. Hercules nodded, but Alex held back another laugh.

Alexander snickered and began to pet my head. An unexpected purr came from the back of my throat, which I couldn't stop. It did feel nice, though.

"Hurts," Lafayette howled from the other side of the room. He writhed and let out more painful groans.

"You two should probably get going," Herc said, rushing to Laf's side.

Alexander and I exited the scene and went out for a drink. I got a few stares here and there, but I figured that this would all be over soon.


"It's just a nice concoction I brewed up for you," Alex explained. I swished around the orange substance.

"Yes, but what is it?" I asked him, skeptically. I heard a small tap of glass behind the counter.

"Aw, don't be so paranoid. Bottoms up," Alex smiled.

I uncomfortably grasped the cup and downed it in a swig. It burned and throat and my stomach had an instant regret. I gasped a little and looked up at Alexander.

Vision becoming blurry, I gasped, "What d-did you do?"

"Babe?" Alex called out, rushing towards me. "Are you okay?"

"A-Alex," I heaved. My stomach churned and my lungs felt like they were being squeezed.


I jolted awake and realized I was in Alex's room. "What the hell has been going on?"

"Morning, Laurens," Alex said, handing me a cup of coffee.

I rummaged my hand through my hair to feel that the cat ears were gone. I looked down at my ass violently and smiled. It was gone.

"Why are you so excited?" He asked.

"The cat features are gone!" I exclaimed, wavering my hands.

"Cat features?" He repeated, confused.

"Yeah, the ears and tail?" I retaliated.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know... Maria the Witch cursed me with cat features."

"Must've just been a dream."

I drank my coffee and gave Alex a small kiss before exiting the room. I was confusion. (welcome to ar-kansas.)


"I mean it's not really a prank, you're just pushing his mind around a little bit," Lafayette grumbled, drinking another cup of chamomile tea.

"That's what a prank is, darling," Herc cooed.

Lafayette just sighed and went back to bed. Alex gave Herc a fist bump.

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