cooking | mullette

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hercules mulligan

I frown as I cook up yet another meal of ramen. I miss him so much. Him as in Lafayette, of course.

He's always so kind and loving to me. It always makes me mad that he has to go on so many business trips. His job is so serious, and I'm stuck working as a tailor.

Even if Lafayette is a business man, he has some mad cooking skills. I have nothing whatsoever, so I'm stuck being friends with Pizza Hut girl, Peggy. She's really nice to me.

I watch the microwave spin around and around as my ramen slowly gets hotter. I hear a small creak somewhere in the house, but I just figure that it's our cat.

The microwave beeps and I cautiously take it out. I set it on the table, add the flavoring and grab a fork. I eat alone for yet another day, focusing my eyes on all the new fabrics I bought.

I hear another sound but choose to ignore it. Even if there was somebody in my house, I'm sure I could fight them off.

I scream out as I feel a pair of hands wrap around my eyes. "What the fuck!" I scream, ripping them off of me.

I'm quick to stand up, but take a second to analyze the situation. Laf stands right behind my chair that's now toppled over. My eyes water as I attempt to find lost words.

"That really isn't such a great meal, mon amour," he smiles with his accent. I race up towards him and pick him up, embracing him tightly.

I let a few tears roll down my cheeks as I passionately kiss him. "I missed you so much! H-how did you-" I stutter.

"Monsieur Washington let me come home deux mois early because he said that Alex told him you were getting sad," He explained, trying to avoid as many french words as possible. I smile and set him down on the table, kissing him once more. "Are you still hungry?"

"I'm always hungry, babe," I laugh. He lets out a cute chuckle and hops off our table. He sets his coat aside and drags me to the kitchen. "What are you doing?"

"Teaching you how to cook, mon cher," He explains, grabbing utensils that's haven't been used since he left ten months ago. I nod and hesitate to grab anything. He laughs at me a little, which I just blush in response to.

He grabs a cookbook I didn't know existed and flipped to a page with spaghetti on it. The rating told me it was the easiest thing to cook. Lafayette simply pointed at the ingredients and wavered me away while he got all the pots and pans out of the cupboards.

"So, uh, what do I do with all this?" I ask, wavering to all the ingredients in the counter.

"Read the directions," He giggles. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. I pepper small kisses on the side of his face. "Mon amour, the directions."

I give him a pouty face but walk over and read the directions one by one. I begin to slowly attempt at cooking up some things.

Lafayette was brilliant, and damn he looked good as ever. Every now and then he would flash me his adorable smile that I seem to fall for every time.

However, I was not so brilliant. I was slipping up on every direction no matter how compound they were. The only thing I was decent at doing was chopping up chives for Lafayette's meatballs.

I found a way to burn the noodles, which even surprised Laf. He just laughed it off and told me the dish wouldn't be ruined for a few burnt noodles.

In the end, we sat and ate our spaghetti that was only good because of his sauce. "I really did miss you," I said as I finished my last bite.

"And so did I," He smiled. He took my plate and dropped it into the sink. He then wrapped his arm around the back of my neck and walked away to our bedroom.

We laid in bed, sleeping for hours upon end. Just me. Just him. Just us.

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