mistaken | kingbury

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Sam paced into the dining hall, his chest out. He kept a his posture straight as he came into he sight of the king. "You asked to see me, my king?"

George's face lit up with joy. He was seated at the end of the long table. "Oh, yes! Please, sit, sit."

Sam was a bit confused on where he should sit. He'd never been invited to eat with a king before. George snickered, pointing at the seat that was right beside him.

Sam nodded, an embarrassing blush spreading on his face. Servants crowded in with food and a drinks. They poured wine into both Sam's and George's cups.

Sam recognized one of the female servants, Eliza. He smiled at her, but she just frowned. She looked almost pained as she exited the room.

Sam shook it off.

"So, Samuel, correct?" The royalty grinned.

"I do prefer to be called Sam, but you may call me what you wish, Your Highness."

George gave a shocked look before snickering again. "I will call you Sam. You may call me George."

Sam nodded, looking down at all of the silverware before him. There was a soup bowl filled with a tinted substance.

He was at a loss of what to do. George took a sip before tapping the spoon on the farther right. Sam gently blushed, picking it up to use.

"So, Sam, how did you end up here?" George asked, taking a swig from the wine.

"I'm repaying my parents debt. Matter of fact, I should be out of here in about three weeks," Sam smiled, his fingertips tracing the glass of wine. George took note of that.

"You don't drink?" George asked, wavering towards the finger.

"I prefer staying sober, Sir-uh-George."

George rang a bell, and a few less servants piled in. They delivered the food on the table to their plates, cutting up each piece of meat into perfect squares, and assuring that each had the correct amount of seasoning. Sam was astonished.

George chattered on with Sam, making sure to never speak and chew. Sam was a little slow with that rule, but eventually got the hang of it. George explained the wonders that wine can do, truly trying to get him to drink just a sip.

George was already tipsy when he gave Sam a devilish smirk. He placed his hand on top of Sam's, looking into his eyes. George leaned over, his mouth nearly touching the younger's ear.

"Take a sip, Sam."

George leaned back into his seat, his intense eyes glaring at Sam. There was a tint of lust in those menacing eyes.

Sam slowly held the goblet in his hands, delicately placing it on his lips. George smirked as the smooth red liquid ran down Sam's throat.

It was an unusual taste for Sam. He'd tasted wine before, but this was more acidic, and stingy. He figured it must have just been more expensive, but that was not the case.

Sam's stomach churned, and he pushed his seat back. Sam fell to the floor, a breathy yelp escaping his lips. The pain inside him shot through his stomach like a bullet.

George turned his chair to look down at him. Sam looked up at him with confused, teary eyes. "You're an American spy, yes?"

"W-What?" Sam choked. George felt a shot of pain before snapping himself back into a reality.

"Are you an American spy?" George shouted. Sam shook his head, tears falling once more.

"I-I'm not-t!" Sam yelped before gasping for air. George looked away and placed his palm on his mouth.

I just poisoned one of my servants. He thought, feeling more guilty than ever.

"I'm very sorry, Sam," George explained, exiting the dining hall, leaving Sam to die on the tile floor.

"I love you," Sam whispered, death taking him with a strong grip.

Eliza muttered words under her breath as she saw her former servants dragging Samuel's lifeless body out to the river. Hercules stood by her side.

"You do realize you just killed an innocent, young man, right?" Eliza asked, looking away from him.

"Eliza, I'm going to ask you one more time. Do you want to escape to America with me? I've been a spy here for so long, and I can take you back to America. They'll find you here," Mulligan explained, kneeling in front of her. He held her hands in his.

Eliza paused, looking back at the door to the river. She took a deep breath. "When do we leave?"

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