the bro duet | lams

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"John," Alex strained. John just smiled, looking at the waves roll out. "John."

"Alex," John responded.

There was a brief moment of just the sound of crashing waves. Alex's breathing intensified rapidly.

"I'm not so sure that I'm ready for surfing," Alex said uneasily. His hands got shaky and so did his voice. John wrapped his arm around Alex to comfort him.

Alex got a little braver from his action and he looked at him. John shot him a smile which melted his heart. "If you don't want to surf, you don't have to. Just know that I won't let you get hurt."

Alex's eyes lit up with a tint of romance. "I'll do it," Alex responded confidently. John nodded and showed him the basics of surfing before moving on.


There was the sound of a crashing wave and then John couldn't see Alex. "Alexander?" He called out. There was no response, which made him fairly uneasy. "Alexander?"

After a very brief pause, John saw Alex's surfboard pop up out of the water. Immediately, he swam over and took a deep breath to dive down.

John opened his eyes just enough, ignoring the pain. Alas, he saw Alex laying on the sand, probably unconscious. He grasped Alex's wrist and pulled him above water. It was a blessing they didn't surf too far out.

Completely ignoring the surfboards, he dragged him back to the beach. He performed CPR in a desperate attempt to get Alex back.

After a few pumps, Alexander coughed up a whole lotta water. "Alex!" John yelped.

Alex coughed more, taking shaky breaths. They stayed in the position until Alex finally began to breathe normally. "Thanks," Alex said, face flushed.

"Are you okay? Like does anything hurt?"

Alex smiled. "I'm fine, let's just get me back to my apartment."


Alex and John went to Disneyland because Hercules got into a motorcycle accident and Lafayette didn't want to go without him. They ended up giving both their tickets to the other two.

"Okay, so where do you want to go next?" Alex smiled brightly. He was so excited to be in the one place you can be as childish as you desire.

"I'm a bit hungry, to be honest," John said, gesturing towards his stomach. Alex only then realized how hungry he actually was. The excitement just kept his mind off of everything else.

"Oh, sure!" Alex agreed. He pulled out his map, despite already memorizing the entire place by heart. "There's a quite a few places to eat at Adventureland."

They decided to eat at a Turkey Street Shop. The main dish, of course, was a ginormous turkey leg.

John grinned at the turkey leg that he held before himself. Alexander only ordered three small turkey legs because it costed less.

The two walked away from the shack, and stopped by a small bench. Almost as soon as they sat down, Alex popped back up.

Alex took a few steps before saying, "Where should we go next?"

There was only the sound of other people's mutters and footsteps. Lively music played in the background as rollercoaster riders screamed in excitement.

"John, did you hear me?" Alex asked again, still looking at his map. As another response didn't come, Alex's heart thumped louder and faster. It was as if all noise stopped.

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