name calling | thomgelica

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Angie and Thomas sat on their couch. It was silent.

"Bitch," Angelica stated plainly. She played with her peachy acrylics. Jefferson raised his eyebrow.

"Hoe," He replied, repeating her monotony. She gasped dramatically.

"Asshole," She shouted back. He almost laughed.

"Shithead!" He enthusiastically smiled.








"Only for James."

Angelica playfully punched him. "You love me."

"Yeah, and I'm straight," He sarcastically retorted.

She screamed out a laugh, punching him again. "I hate you," she squealed as he pinned her down.

"You love me," He grinned huskily. She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, and I'm straight," she mimicked in her lowest tone. He laughed.


The two sat at their table eating dinner. It was quiet except for the sound of their chewing.

Thomas snickered to himself, picking up a baby carrot. Angelica hadn't noticed.

He placed it in the end of his fork, flinging it straight onto her plate. Angelica jumped in surprise, swallowing a huge chunk of chicken. She coughed, eyes watering.

Still coughing, she briefly gasped, "You fucker."

Thomas looked amused as he quickly retorted, "Bitch."

Angie gave him a competitive stare.


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