shine a light (r) | mullette

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marquis de lafayette
It's all a figment of my imagination. I know that he's all just in my head. He seems too real.

This life isn't for me.

Being called Heather Lafayette used to be an honorable title. Yet no, Heather Mulligan just had to come and ruin it all. Now Heather Hamilton is dead, and so is Thomas and James.

Heather Laurens is just a figment of my imagination. He's not real. He can't be. He's not real.


I struggle with the cap of the prescription bottle. I let out a short, breathy sigh. "Stupid child-proof caps!" I scream.

I look up into the bathroom mirror, but only see Heather Laurens and his army of hateful students. He grins widely, and the students follow after him. "Aw, look! Heather's going to whine, whine, whine all night!"

He pauses, looking me up and down. He grins again, crossing his arms with a hop. "You don't deserve to live. Why not kill yourself? Here, have a sedative."

He reaches through the mirror, and I fall over in fear. He's more of just a black figure than an actual person. He casually pops off the cap and places twenty or so pills in my palm.

The students chime, "Whine, whine, whine like there's no Santa Claus!"

"You're pathetic because you whine!" Laurens screams. "You whine all night!"

He begins to circle me, pointing directly at my face. I look down at the pills.

"Your ass is off the team! Go on and bitch and moan! You don't deserve the dream! You're gonna die alone!" He yells sharply. My hand shakes.

All the students had already climbed out of the mirror. They stared at my face, huge grins painted on their faces. I feel tears roll out of my eyes.

"Die alone! Die alone! Die alone! Die alone!" I yell at me.

I take one look at Heather Laurens, and then a look my hand. I throw all the pills into my mouth, closing my eyes tightly.

"No! No! Woah! No!" I heard a low voice scream. I shoot my eyes open to see that everyone has disappeared.

Heather Mulligan stands above me, but crouches down. He holds out his hand, and I place the bottle in it. He then placed his hand under my mouth.

I shook my head, pushing away the hand. "Suicide is suppose to be a private thing," I say, muffled due to the amount in my mouth.

"Throwing your life away to be a statistic in USA Today is the least private thing I can think of," He states gently.

"But... What about Heather? And Tom and James?" I ask quietly.

"If everybody jumped off a bridge, young man, would you?" He asks, taking my hands into his. I blush lightly.

"Probably," I answer.

"Oh... Well, if you were happy all he time you wouldn't be human. You'd be a game show host."

I release my hands, spitting out the pills.

"Thanks for coming after me," I sniffle. I lean towards him, giving him a huge hug. He nods.

"Your welcome."

I lean back, wiping away my tears. I shake my head, and lean in to kiss him.

He grabs my jaw gently, kissing me for a short while.

"You saved me."

s h e l b y
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