Waking up

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Hayes' POV:

It's been 3 weeks now and she is still "asleep". She has been talking and laughing a lot. But she hasn't opened her eyes yet. I have been getting more controlled of myself in trying not to cry. Nothing has gone wrong so far so i guess thats good.

Maddie's POV:

Hayes has been really worried about Sky. She is still in a coma and some signs of her waking up but not many. Every once in a while we would here her laugh or talk and i would pull Hayes into a hug. He cried on my shoulder once and it was so adorable yet sad i cried too.

Sky's POV:

i keep feeling like I'm in the dream all the time. Like I'm never going to wake up. But when i get stronger i will wake up and i know it.

Nash's POV:

We were all sitting in the lobby, which is near Skylar's room, and we heard a screaming sound and a gasp and a lot of other noises. We all ran in plus the doctors did too and Sky was sitting up smiling.the first thing Hayes did was ran up and kissed her and pulled away and smiled. It was cute. Me and maddie just hugged and smiled. Sky was awake. My little sister was waking up.

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