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Caroline's POV:

After the party, none of us wanted to drive home so we called a cab and went to the nearest hotel. I sat by Shawn and he grabbed my hand at one point. I looked up and smiled at him. He smiled back.

Everyone was siting in the cab squished together. Don't even ask me how we fit in one cab. Shawn started singing his new song,"life of the party" to me at one point. His voice was like an angel.

"Can i sing to you?" Shawn asks me.

"Sure go ahead."

"We don't have to be ordinary. Make your best mistakes. Take your shot it might be scary. Hearts are gonna break. Cuz we don't have the time to be sorry. So baby be the life of the party."

"Thanks Shawn. That was beautiful."

He smiled at me and before i knew it we were at the hotel. Our room was on the seventh floor room 248. Cameron was about to post something on instagram about where we were staying but decided against it. We didn't want fans bombarding us.

Hayes' POV:

We got to the hotel and did some pretty weird stuff. Smack cam, truth or dare. Would you rather, pillow fights, built forts, and more. Best. Time. Ever.

I was happy for Shawn. He got a girlfriend. Her name was Caroline and she had really pretty red hair. I still felt bad for taylor though. He was a loner. But i saw he kept eyeing this one girl that came named Rylie. They seemed to have hit it off cuz they kept talking.

All the girls got pretty tired and fell asleep. The boys fell asleep along with them. The next morning Cameron had a major headache because we was drinking. Ashley told him not too. Ashley is 17 by the way. He decided to drink anyways. He had a major hangover and thought that drinking milk would help! It only made it worse.

We were just all going to hang out today because we were all tired. We went back to Sly's house and watched movies all day. Taylor and Rylie were cuddling which was cute. Tay had his arm around Rylie. She had a huge smile on her face.

We all went to sleep around 10pm. Like i said. We were tired.

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