Chapter 45

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Hayes' POV:

I was so happy when Sky told me she could live in LA. I even cried. Nash, Cam, and Ash were still here. We all decided that we would all leave to LA at the same time.

Me and Sky have been working hard to get everything packed. Nash helped me pack while Cam and Ashley and Sky were out shopping for the baby i think. I decided to ask Nash about Maddie. I dont know if its a hard subject to talk about and i want to help him get through it.

"Hey Nash?"

"Yeah haysieboo?"

"First, dont call me that. Second, whats going on with you and Maddie?" He sighed.

"Uhm...i dont even know right now to be honest. I mean she left me and the baby. The baby wont have a mom to look after or whatever. I mean she's texted me before but i never know what to say."

"What does she text you about?"

"She normally texts me about the baby and how he's doing and how she misses me and really wants to see baby justin. I really dont want to see her though because i will fall in love with her all over again." He looked down. I walked over to him and hugged him. He started crying.

"Shhh Nash it's going to be ok. If she really loves you she will come back."

"But i dont want her back! She makes me feel sad to be honest because of how she left me."

"Shhhh i know its ok."

Sky opened the front door to the house along with Cam and Ashley and Sky yelled. Wrong timing.

"Were baaaaaaccckkk!!"

"Sky shut up!" I yelled.

"Come here Hayes. In our room. I will be waiting." Sky said biting her lip as she stood in the doorway. Btws she is now 8 months pregnant. The baby is supposed to be born in about 2 weeks. Unless its early then it could be born any minute.

I walked out of Nash's room which was the guest room and went into Sky's room.

"What ba-" i didn't see her in the room. Only her bags from shopping. The door closed behind me and i swung around. Sky jumped on me and started kissing me. The kiss got intense and we were laying down on the bed. She swiped her tongue across my bottom lip. She wanted me. I mean i am Hayes. Who wouldn't? I let her do what she wanted and then before things got to intense i stopped us. I mean, she's pregnant! I cant do anything to her.

She started whining.

"Haaayyesss why'd you stop?" She but her lip while her eyes gleamed.

"Your pregnant."

"And your point is??"

"My point is were not doing this."

"Oh come on." She walked up to me and grabbed my purple button downed shirt that was now on the floor. "Just one more kiss?"

"Sure one more." I kissed her passionately and then released and grabbed my shirt out of Sky's hands to put back on. She glared at me and went and layed on the bed. I layed down with her and she rolled on her side. I pulled the covers on top of us and wrapped my arm around her. I leaned up to kiss her forehead.

"Night babe."


We went to sleep and woke up the next morning. Today, we were going to LA. I bought a house up there for me and Sky plus the baby. We grabbed all our stuff and headed to the airport. Cam was driving, ash was in the passenger seat, Nash was in the back with me and Sky. He insisted on sitting in the middle. He was afraid we would do some stuff in the car. Sky was really tired because we had to wake up at 5am. She ended up putting her head on Nash's shoulder and Nash wrapped his arm around her. I glared at him.

"Just keeping her warm. It's ok baby bro."

"Yeah whatever." I said.

We got to the airport, woke Sky up, and got through security and all that and got on our plane. This time on the plane, Sky was in the middle of me and Nash. Cam and Ash were somewhere else on the plane. Sky ended up snuggling next to me and falling asleep with her hand on my abs and my arm around her.

The plane landed and we went to our new house and Cam and Ash went to the apartment. Nash decided to come with us to check out the house. It was really big and beautiful. There was 2 floors plus a basement, 5 rooms in all, 3 bathrooms, an open area which will be the playroom for the kids, and then the kitchen and all that.

Me and Sky set up while Nash helped. Then Sky started having pains in her stomach.

"Ow Owww." She screamed.

"Sky!" I rushed over to her. "You ok? Let's go sit down."

We sat down and Sky said something.


"Sky?" She had a worried look on her face.

"My water just broke." My eyes went wide.

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