Ch 1: The Sludge Incident

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     Valkyr walked around the streets. She had lost Hizashi a while ago when he tried to force her to go into a packed store. She didn't like crowds. She had the hood of her hoodie up and trying to keep her face hidden. She knew people had all sorts of different looks with all the different quirks out there, but she always seemed to draw fearful or disgusted looks. Hizashi and Shota always said she didn't but that's what she always saw. A large crowd was coming her way down the sidewalk and she dipped into an alleyway. She made it a bit of the way down and then leaned against the wall breathing heavily.  She got so anxious and scared around crowds of people. She heard voices and glanced over seeing three boys coming her way. One a loud blond with red eyes. He kicked something and she flinched. But suddenly she saw a giant slime monster pour out of a bottle. He is going for the blond she thought. She didn't know why but her body began to move. "Watch out!" She yelled as she tackled the blond but it was to late. The green sludge surrounded them both.  

    They both struggled against the slime. It covered there faces trying to suffocate them. The boy next to her was lighting off explosions from his hands. She hated using her quirk in front of strangers but she let her scales cover her arms and legs. Her hands scaled over and she grew talons. She tried to rip and slice at the slime but it didn't seem to work. Her back was pressed up against the boys and she was in so much pain being surrounded by this slime. She hated being touched. She could hear people screaming around them but couldn't make out the words. She saw heroes fighting nearby but they couldn't seem to get close. It seemed like so long that she fought against the slime back to back with the boy. She shifted her feet into her dragon forms and dug her talons into the street. She pushed hard against the boy trying to push him out. Even if she died here maybe she could save the boy. A normal kid with a powerful quirk definitely deserved life over someone like her. 

    She was beginning to weaken. It had been to long without air. She clawed at the slime around her face trying to get any sort of air. Suddenly she felt something grab tightly onto her arm and a large wind blew the slime away. She gasped for air and panted heavily, letting herself change back before anyone noticed. She laid next to the blond and realized he was the one who grabbed her arm. She glanced up and was surprised to see All Might. He was surprised to see her as well. "Valkyr?" she heard him say in surprise. She looked away embarrassed and ashamed. She sat up and looked at the blond who looked at her curiously. 

   "You tried to push me out?" The blond said surprised. "And before you tried to push me out of the way." Valkyr nodded softly. "Why? You don't even know me." He growled.  Valkyr flinched and looked down.

   "I don't know. You didn't see it coming and even if I yelled out to you, I didn't know if you would react in time." She spoke softly. "My body just reacted. And while we were inside that....thing....I couldn't get it off of me. But I hoped to maybe at least get you out. I was just acting on instinct....i wasn't really thinking." She fiddled with the sleeves of her hoodie. 

    "I could have gotten myself out." He growled. "But...I guess thanks anyway." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "The name is Katsuki Bakagou."

    "Oh I'm Valkyr Wraithier." Valkyr said softly. "Thanks for grabbing me when you did. I don't think All Might noticed me." Before Bakagou could reply they were surrounded with Heroes complimenting them. Valkyr kept her head down not liking the attention. She noticed All Might leaving and quickly got up to follow him. She heard people calling out to her as she ran but she ignored them. Valkyr had left the house without her cell phone, still not used to carrying one. All Might or Toshinori as she knew him, would be able to call Hizashi for her or show her how to get home.  

     She followed him into a neighborhood but soon lost track of him. She frowned as she kept looking around.   Though as she turned a corner she bumped into the blond from before. "It's you." He growled.  She frowned and backed up. 

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