Ch 42: Need to Save Her

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Valkyr sat between Midoirya and Mirio as all the heros spoke about the mission to come. That Chiasaki and the League were working together to bring about bullets that could temporarily erase quirks and not only that but they were based on someone's quirk. As the realization dawned on everyone, a select few looked towards her. Valkyr sat at the table with her head bowed and her fists closed do tight her nails were digging into her palms. All she could think about was that poor little girl being tortured by others to make a weapon. She knew exactly how Eri must feel. She knew what it was like to be the scared girl, obedient, and constantly in pain. She knew what it was like to be created into a weapon. Valkyr knew they had to save her at all costs. Eri would not live the rest of her life as a tortured child. No they would save her. Nighteye's voice broke through her thoughts. 

"I am sure these three are the ones hurting the most," Nighteye said. The two boys on each side of her stood and yelled out that they would save her. But then eyes went down to her. She looked up with both eyes in slits and glowing. 

"I will save her no matter the cost," Valkyr said. Nighteye nodded. There had been controversy about letting her join this mission, but Nighteye knew she would help no matter what anyone said. She had once stated that her goal was to help the children of villains get away and have better lives. 

"That is the plan," Nighteye said. "We will save her and take down Kai Chiasaki." 


Later Valkyr was sitting at a table with the other UA students that were interning under heros here. They were still on site of where the meeting held place. She was sitting between Midoriya and Mirio. Also there was Kirishima, Tamaki who were under the hero Fatgum, and Ururaka, Tsuyu, and Nejire who were under the hero Ryukyu. She leaned against Midoirya who had an arm around her. She was quiet as Midoirya and Mirio told the story of how they met Eri. She did not even look up when Aizawa came into the room. 

"You must be hurting man," Kirishima said. "And are you holding up?" He looked at her concerned. He finally understood why her nightmares had come back so hard and why she was so tense all the time. Bakugou and him had been so worried about her but now it all made sense. Meeting a little girl who was being used and hurt by a villain just as she had been. 

Valkyr just turned her face into Midoirya's neck. Midoirya held her close with one arm. Since the news came out about what they were actually doing to Eri, Valkyr barely spoke except for her declaration to save Eri. Midoirya was worried about her, but he would save this little girl. For her and for Valkyr.

"Holding an all night vigil are we?" Aizawa asked walking up to the table. He had noticed how Valkyr  was acting and didn't like it. He wanted to pull her out of this mission immediately but already knew she wouldn't listen to him. Once she met that little girl, he knew she would never give up. 

"Sensei?" Tsuyu said in surprise. 

"You can call me EraserHead outside of school," Aizawa said. "Anyway I was planning to talk with you all about ending your work studies today." Valkyrs gaze shot up at him with a glare that actually made him flinch slightly. Her eyes were still slitted in anger. "This is a whole different ball game. You all heard that the League is involved in this. "

"What?! Now of all times?!" Kirishima yelled as he stood up. 

"But Midoirya, you still haven't earned my trust back," Aizawa said. He was referring to the late night fight with Bakugou. He walked up and squat down next to Midoirya as he looked at him. "Though unfortunately if I were to cut you off now, you would definitely leap into action. So I will watch over you, lets get it right this time Midoirya. Understand you little trouble maker?" Midoriya nodded. Aizawa stood up and looked down at Valkyr. 

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