Ch 4: Battle Trials

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     Valkyr shuffled back and forth on her feet as All Might explained the trial. Everyone would be split at random into teams. They would then be randomly paired off, where one side would be the villain and the other would be the heroes. The villains objective would be to protect a fake bomb inside a strong hold while the heroes had to infiltrate and either get the bomb or capture the villains. 

"Sir, there is an odd number of us." One of the girls asked. 

"There will be one team of three." All Might told them. 

"But that will give one team an advantage." The long haired girl said. 

"I will even things out when we see who ends up with three and whether they become heroes or villains." All Might said. He held up a bucket of lettered balls for people to choose one.  Most people seemed to be pairing off and then it was her turn. She was nervous as she reached in. She closed her eyes as she grabbed on and pulled it out. She peaked at her ball she was hoping for A to be with Izu or D to be with Katsuki. But she got J. She frowned and looked around trying to figure out who she would be with. Kirishima grinned.

"Your with me Val," Kirishima called to her. Valkyr let out the breath she didn't realize she was holding. It wasn't Katsuki or Izu, but at least it was a friend. She walked over and stood next to him. "This is Hanta Sero. He will be on our team too. Sero this is Valkyr Wraither, but she likes to be called by her first name." Valkyr gave a shy wave to the guy. 

"Hi, just got to say you looked totally sick." Sero said. Valkyr frowned. Sick? Why do I look sick? she thought to herself. 

"He means awesome Val." Kirishima said noticing her confused frown. "It's just slang." Valkyr nodded but still didn't quite understand. Why didn't he just say awesome? 

"Thank you Hanta." Valkyr said softly. 

"Hey Hair for brains." Katsuki growled as he came over. "You better make sure she doesn't get hurt or I'll rip you a new one."

"Katsuki calm down." Valkyr told him. "Eiji isn't responsible for me. And  getting hurt is all part of learning right? I will be fine." She gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm tougher than I look." Katsuki just sighed when he looked at her. Then he looked at Kirishima with a glare. 

"You heard what I said Hair for brains." Katsuki growled. He went back to his partner while All Might chose the first team. 

"Touchy touchy." Sero muttered as the blond walked away. 

"The first two pairs will be Team A as the heroes and Team D as the Villains." All Might announced.  Valkyr frowned. That meant Katsuki vs Izu. She walked over to Katsuki quickly. 

"Don't over do it Katsuki." Valkyr told him. He just looked at her with a smirk. 

"Don't worry Val." he told her. "I am going to win this though." He walked away with his team mate. The Tenya guy who yelled at him for having his feet on the desk yesterday. She looked over at Izuku and went over to him. 

"Good luck Izu." Valkyr told him. "Don't let Katsuki get to you to bad."

Izuku smiled at her. "Thanks Valkyr. Don't worry. I will figure something out." He gave her a thumbs up before walking with his partner. The zero gravity girl.  Valkyr went back over to Kirishima. With both the other two gone, he was the only one she felt semi comfortable with. 

"It's just a simple test Val, don't worry to much." Sero told her. 

"You don't know those two like I do." Valkyr said as the whole class made its way into the viewing room. She stood at the back so her wings weren't in anyone's way. Kirishima right next to her. She knew Katsuki would go straight for Izuku. She may seem like a child when it came to a lot of things, but she knew battle tactics and she knew her friends. Katsuki hid it, but she knew he was upset over things with Izuku and his new quirk. He would leave Tenya at the bomb and go charging for Izu. He would want to best him in a fight. She leaned against the wall as the fight began and crossed her arms over her chest. She was right. Katsuki went barreling for Izuku but Izuku was able to hold his own for the most part. She watched the fight with calculating eyes. 

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