Ch 21: Going to the Mall

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Valkyr was so happy. Soon she would be officially Valkyr Aizawa. She had gone out with Shouta and Hizashi that night to celebrate. It had been so much fun. This was the happiest she had been in a long time. Then it was announced that everyone got to go on the week long summer camp trip. Next everyone decided to go shopping as a class for things they needed for the trip. At first she had declined thinking she had plans with Shouta, but he cancelled. So that night she called up Tokoyami to see if he would pick her up and show her the way. Normally she would have called Katsuki or Kirishima, but Katsuki said he wasn't going and she was still a bit awkward around Kirishima after last time. Todoroki also said he was going to see his mother so it wasn't an option to call him. 

So early the next morning Valkyr got up to get ready. When she got into her closet she frowned seeing all her clothes had been switched out for more 'cute' outfits. "I am going to kill you Hizashi." she muttered. She searched through the clothes until she found something she guessed was passable. She pulled on some tight fitting black jeans and a blue shirt with the word, primrose, on it. She pulled her hair up into a messy bun and grabbed a ball cap. She threw on some other 'accessories' as Hizashi called them. She rolled her eyes as she grabbed her wallet and cell phone. Soon there was a knock on her door and she walked over to see Tokoyami. 

"Hey Kage," Valkyr said with a smile

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"Hey Kage," Valkyr said with a smile. 

"Greetings Valkyr," Tokoyami said with a nod. "You look nice." Valkyr smiled. 

"You do to," Valkyr said. "It's nice to see you out of school uniforms." She giggled as she made sure she had her keys before walking out. "Lead the way." They had pleasant conversation until they met up with the others. 

"Val! You came after all," Kaminari said excited. Valkyr giggled and nodded as she seemed to be passing out hugs. 

"Does Bakugou know you came?" Kirishima asked. Valkyr frowned as she looked up at him. 

"I don't have to inform him of everything I do," Valkyr said. "He is my friend. Not my boyfriend nor my keeper."

"Hope he knows that," Kirishima grumbled. Valkyr just kind of gave him a deadpanned look before turning away from him. Next she moved over and hugged Izuku. 

"I'm glad you came Valkyr," Izuku said. 

"I am too," Valkyr said. "This is the first time I have been to the mall or anywhere really without Katsuki. I'm a little nervous."

"No worries, Val," Kaminari said coming up behind her. He took her hand and twirled her around. "We will all keep you company." Valkyr giggled and nodded. 

"Thank you," Valkyr smiled. "Oh before we get going....will you all be willing to take a group photo with me? This is the first time I've been out with so many friends." The whole group chimed in that they would be happy to. They got into position and got some random person to take the picture. Valkyr quickly grabbed the phone and thanked the person. Everyone was excited to see it. "I will just send it to everyone." She sent it to all of 1-A. Even the two that weren't with them.  She quickly got a response as everyone was talking about splitting up. 

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