Ch 22: First Day of Training Camp

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Valkyr was looking out the window a bit excited. She had never been out of the city before. She was sitting next to Katsuki who was watching her amused. Kirishima and Kaminari were in the seats in front of them. She didn't even mind all the yelling going on behind them. 

"What do you think this will be like?" Valkyr asked excited. 

"Boring," Katsuki said. 

"I don't think so," Valkyr said. "There is so many trees."

"Have you never been out of the city, Val?" Kaminari asked turning around to look at her. Valkyr shook her head. 

"No, I haven't traveled much at all," Valkyr admitted still looking out the window. "It's one thing I hope to do some day. I want to see so many things." She smiled thinking about it. All three boys smiled looking at her. 

"So what were you so happy about after the exams, Val?" Kaminari asked. "You never got to tell me since all the stuff happened at the mall." Valkyr smiled at looked towards him. 

"Well the paperwork is still going through," Valkyr smiled. "But soon I will no longer be Valkyr Wraithier. I will be Valkyr Aizawa."

"You're marrying our teacher?!" Kaminari asked shocked and confused. Kirishima looked at his friend in disbelief. 

"So unmanly," Kirishima said.  Valkyr giggled. 

"No you dumbass," Katsuki said. "Aizawa is fucking adopting her. So now her real father has no legal claim on her."

"It has nothing to do with being legal or anything," Valkyr chuckled and then smiled. "I just finally have a family that cares about me. A dad who wants whats best for me and makes me happy." Aizawa was sitting not to far away with a smile on his face as he heard them. 

"Oh, I knew that," Kaminari said as he rubbed the back of his neck. 

"How many times have you fucking fried your brain, lightning rod?" Katsuki asked. Valkyr nudged him playfully. 

"Don't be rude Katsuki," Valkyr giggled. 

"Well I'm happy for you Val," Kirishima said. 

"Thank you Eiji," Valkyr smiled. They continued talking over the next hour about different things, until the bus pulled over. Valkyr got off the bus excited to see and smell the scent of the trees. She ran over to the railing looking over the large forest. It was beautiful. It was so much different than being in the city. 

"Hey Eraser," someone called and Valkyr turned to look. She saw two woman in what Valkyr assu9:med were hero costumes. 

"With sparkling eyes, we rock on!" one said. 

"Cute cat, stinger!" the other said. 

"The wild wild pussycats!" they yelled together. 

"I'd like to introduce the professional heros, the pussycats," Aizawa said.  Valkyr wondered over curious about them. 

"The place you'll be staying," the black haired girl said. "is at the base of the mountain." She was pointing at a mountain that was quite a ways away. 

"So far away!!" Kaminari and Kirishima yelled together. 

"Then why did we stop if we're only half way?" Uraraka asked. Valkyr frowned hearing Uraraka ask that and slowly looked at Aizawa. 

"You suck," Valkyr mumbled to him and he slowly smirked at her. 

"You should have already known," Aizawa chuckled. 

"It's 9:30am right now. If you kick it into high gear," the black haired pussycat said. "It will be about 12. The kittens that don't make it before 12:30 won't be eating." Valkyr glanced back as she saw the others running back towards the bus. She shook her head. 

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