Ch 28: Specialty Moves

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Valkyr stood between Kirishima and Katsuki as they listened to Aizawa and the other pro hero teachers explain about their new training. Each student needed to create at least two unique specialty moves. This would be interesting because she mostly used physical attacks. Everyone else seemed to be excited about this. They were also encouraged to think of improvements to their hero outfits.  They were inside a special gym dubbed the The Training DreamLand, or TDL. It was made and run by Cemontoss. It was basically completely under his design and control. They would continue their training in a quirk boot camp over the next ten days until the beginning of the new semester.

     As everyone began training, Valkyr stepped aside and thought about it. She had her ability to breathe fire which could be considered a special move. She watched Katsuki fight and destroy Ectoplasm's clones. She was also wondering if it was time to debut her new moves and new control.   

All the pro-heroes were walking around giving advice and directing students. Soon Ectoplasm approached her. "Are you alright, Miss Aizawa?" he asked. 

"Valkyr please and yes," she said. "I'm just trying to think about what I should use as my specialty moves.  I use mostly physical attacks in my full form."

"Many of your classmates are in a similar situation," Ectoplasm said. "Your friend Kirishima uses all physical attacks since his is a physical quirk. He is doing quite well. What else is bothering you?" Valkyr chewed on her lip a bit in thought. Wondering if she should say anything. 

"I have a secondary quirk inherited from my father," Valkyr said softly. "I'm wondering if I should use it. Most pros view it as a villains power because of my father." She looked down. 

Ectoplasm put a gentle hand on her shoulder which made her flinch. Though she was far better with touch, sometimes it still bothered her. "You are nothing like your father Miss Valkyr. Just because you share the same quirk does not make you a villain or villain like. You are becoming a hero and as such can change peoples views. The quirk doesn't make you who you are, your choices do. Take your time."

"Ectoplasm.....can I use one of your clones?" Valkyr asked quietly. "You don't feel anything when they are destroyed do you?"

"Of course and no I do not," Ectoplasm said creating a clone for her. He stepped back to watch for a moment. 

Valkyr took a deep breath and closed her eyes. As she released it slowly she raised her right hand in a fist and opened her eyes. Her right eyes was glowing blue and her hand seemed to be covered in flaming shadows. "Wolf Rise." she said and two large shadow wolves seemed to crawl from her own shadow. The room grew quiet as people stopped to watch. Both wolves had one glowing blue on on the right side just like Valkyr. "Attack." She commanded and the shadow wolves attacked the  clone. In a matter of moments the clone was destroyed and the wolves returned to her. "Fall." she said and the wolves disappeared. The glow and flaming shadows faded away.

"Holy hell," Kirishima said running over. "That was amazing Val. How did you do that?"

"That was my version of the quirk I inherited from my father," Valkyr answered. 

"He uses a dragon," Aizawa said walking up. "Your's is wolves?"

"From what I've learned, I could make the shadows take on any shape I desired, but it takes a lot more focus and energy," Valkyr said. "But if you just call upon it, it takes on a form special to you. I think my father uses a dragon because of my mother. Even while growing up, I heard him talk about her a few times other than blaming me for her death. And villain or not I believe he truly loved her."

"Well that explains your father," Aizawa said. "But the wolves?"

"Because they are pack animals," Katsuki said walking up. "Right Val? Wolves depend on their friends and family to survive and protect each other." Valkyr looked at him and nodded. 

"That's right," Valkyr said. "I don't know what my shadows would have become if I had strayed under my father's will. But after being here for over two years and making so many friends, those bonds mean more than anything to me. I saw a documentary about wolves one night while watching Tv while i couldn't sleep. I guess that stuck with me."

"You wouldn't stop talking about them for at least two weeks after that," Katsuki chuckled. 

"I think even I remember you talking about them, Valkyr," Izuku said walking up. "It was before we got into UA." Aizawa looked at the two boys. 

"I never heard you talk about them," Aizawa said a little hurt he never heard of something that affected her so much. 

"I thought you and Hiza would laugh at me," Valkyr said. "Back then you two used to laugh a lot at my reactions to things on TV. So I just stopped reacting to things around you." She shrugged. Aizawa didn't let it show but that made him realize a lot of things. He had always wondered why she changed back then but never asked. Hizashi and him used to laugh, not because they were trying to be mean, but because they found her to be adorable in her innocent reactions. "Doesn't matter now. So are we done training?" Aizawa watched her concerned as the other teachers got the students back to focusing on training. 

"That was cool," Katsuki told her. "When did you start to gain control of that?"

"I was training night and day at the camp," Valkyr said. "I trained a bit in between fights with Dabi to. It's how I was able to slip my cuffs during the escape. I still need a lot more training but its a start." 

"This is the power you were so afraid of?" Katsuki asked. "Seems pretty straight forward."

"You don't remember what I told you about it, do you?" Valkyr sighed and frowned.  Katsuki shook his head.  "Let's talk about it later." She went back to training but focused on her physical attacks. 

When they stopped for lunch Valkyr walked with Kirishima and Katsuki. Soon Kaminari, Sero, and Ashido joined them. They all got lunch and sat at the table. 

"You know Val, every time we turn around you're coming out with something amazing," Kaminari said. Valkyr gave him a soft smile. 

"So spill Val," Katsuki said. "What's up with that other quirk?" Valkyr looked down and pushed the food away. She hadn't been eating or sleeping well since the camp and being kidnapped made things worse. 

"That quirk is the embodiment of fear and pain in the form of shadow and darkness," Valkyr told them. "The more pain I'm in or fear around me the stronger my attacks. The thing is the quirk erases the pain you're feeling at that moment and feels you with pleasure. My father got addicted to his quirk. It erases physical and emotional pain."

"Emotional pain?" Kaminari asked. 

"I could watch you all die, activate my quirk and feel nothing," Valkyr said. "I think it's how my father has dealt with the death of my mother all these years. I mean that just speculation from what i watched and what ive learned about this quirk." They all stared at her a bit worried. 

"You need to eat," Katsuki told her. "And don't you worry about it. You're stronger than your father. You won't become addicted to it. Plus you never have to worry about me dying. I'll always be here with you."

"Same here," Kirishima smiled. He pushed her food back towards her gently. "You need to eat." Even he noticed she didn't come down to eat very often. 

"Don't forget me," Kaminari added.

"Yea we will always be there with you and have your back," Sero said.  

"You will always have your friends," Ashido said.  They all smiled at her. 

"Thanks guys," Valkyr smiled softly. 


That's the end of this chapter. Hope you all enjoyed it.

Valkyr isn't doing well mentally even though physically she is getting stronger. 

We will have to see how that goes. Dabi did a lot more damage to her than everyone realizes. 

Please vote and comment on what you think. I love hearing from my fans. 

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