Ch 10: Sports Festival - Opening Ceremony

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     For the next two weeks Valkyr was hardly ever alone. At school she almost always had Katsuki, Kirishima, Tokoyami, or Izuku right next to her. Kirishima even got Mina and Uraraka to keep an eye on her in the locker rooms and bathrooms. None of them would let anyone get to her again. As much as she appreciated it and knew they were doing it because they cared. She was beginning to feel like a prisoner again. On the day before the sports festival she was sitting next to all the boys at lunch. She suddenly stood up to go get a drink and both Katsuki and Kirishima moved to get up. "No guys it's fine. I'm just getting a drink." she told them. 

"We will go with you." Katsuki said. 

"Yea, I need a drink anyway." Kirishima smiled. 

"Enough!" Valkyr yelled at them. Everyone in the lunch room stopped and looked in their direction. Both boys looked at her a bit shocked. "Enough is enough." she said a bit softer. "I get it. You guys care and just want to protect me, but you won't even give me enough space to breath." She shook her head. She felt like she wanted to cry but forced herself not to. She wanted to just give in but stood up straight and stood her ground. "I have lived most my life as a prisoner and now your making me feel like that again. I appreciate it. I do. But enough. I am more than capable of protecting myself. You both have seen it."

"Val, come on." Kirishima said. 

"No, Eiji." Valkyr said looking at him. "I'm tired of being silent. I'm tired of being a pushover. And I'm tired of being the one everyone has to protect. I am becoming a hero to protect others. To protect you guys. I can't do that if I'm never allowed to be more than five feet away from you. You don't even let me walk twenty feet away to get my own drink without thinking I need someone to escort me. Yes, someone kissed me and I freaked out. I'm sorry. I can't do this...." Valkyr turned and walked away. She left the lunchroom and slowly  everyone began talking again. Kirishima and Katsuki were still standing staring at where she went before slowly sitting down. 

Valkyr walked around wiping her face and just trying to get her head back together. She needed to get composed before facing them again. 

"Well that was quite the performance, little princess." Someone said from behind her. Valkyr turned quickly to see who it was. 

"Hitoshi Shinso." Valkyr said. "This is all your fault."

"Why? Because I stole their precious princess' lips?" Shinso chuckled. "You could have stopped me. You the all powerful daughter of a villain. But you froze. Not so powerful then, were you?" Valkyr just looked down. She had frozen because of all the whispering. Her hands curled into fists and she felt the little bites of pain as her nails dug into her palms. 

"Never again." Valkyr said. "I will never freeze like that again." She said looking up at him. 

"Oh really?" Shinso walked close to her and was only inches from her face. "Shall we test that?" 

"Get away from me." Valkyr said, but suddenly she couldn't move. Her body was frozen and she could only watch in horror as he kissed her again. His violet eyes staring into hers with a look of smug victory. He pulled back with a smirk on his face. 

"Seems you froze again." Shinso chuckled and turned to walk away. Her control came back and she put his hands up to her lips. 

"What did you do?" Valkyr asked confused. "How did you do that?"

"Oh A magician never reveals his secret princess." Shinso joked. Valkyr watched him walk away as she just dropped to her knees feeling defeated. A little bit later someone came along seeing her in the middle of the hallway. 

"Valkyr?" they asked. "Are you alright?" The crouched down beside her. She looked up and saw Todoroki. 

"I just feel so.....defeated." Valkyr said softly. 

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