Ch 18: No more Holding back

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Valkyr walked into the classroom next to Todoroki. She as so glad to be back and away from Endeavor. 

"For real Bakugou?!" she heard someone yell and turned to look. She could see Kirishima and Sero teasing Katsuki over his hair being smoothed down. 

"Shut up! It's stuck. Even washing it didn't help!" Katsuki yelled. Valkyr walked over giggling. 

"Did you have fun on your internship, Katsuki?" Valkyr asked. Katsuki looked at her and then looked away.

"Shut up, Val." Katsuki grumbled. 

"I told you so," Valkyr smirked. "I told you Best Jeanist was wrong for you, but someone didn't want to listen."

"She did," Kirishima said laughing. "She so fucking told you not to go." Valkyr shook her head looking at Kirishima and Sero bent over laughing. 

"Don't laugh," Katsuki yelled. "I'll fucking kill you!" Suddenly his hair popped back into it's normal spiky position. 

"There we go," Valkyr said reaching up and running her hand through his soft hair. Katsuki calmed down and looked at her. "There's my Katsuki back." she smiled.  She turned to walk over to Izuku, Lida, and Todoroki. She didn't see Katsuki's lingering gaze.  "How are you guys feeling today?"

"Oh Valkyr," Izuku said looking at her. "I am fine. All better."

"I as well," Lida said. 

"I am glad you guys are feeling better," Valkyr smiled. Suddenly she heard Kaminari's voice. 

"But y'know the ones who've transformed the most are you four," Kaminari said gesturing to her and the boys. 

"Dude, yea the hero killer," Sero said. He was currently in the grasp of Bakugou along with Kirishima. She guessed they had still been laughing.  

"I was worried for you," Momo added on. 

"They say you got rescued by Endeavor," Kaminari said. "That's the no.2 hero for you." Valkyr shared a look with the other three before sighing. 

"Yep rescued," Todoroki said.  The boys began to talk about the video of Stain that was uploaded onto the internet and Valkyr shook her head. 

"That reminds me, Valkyr are you really ok?" Kaminari asks. Valkyr turned to him and nodded. 

"I am, why do you ask?" Valkyr asked. 

"Well in the video, it shows the hero killer taking down the nomu that had you in its claws," Kaminari said. Valkyr nodded. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Katsuki and Kirishima suddenly looking at her. 

"I am fine," Valkyr smiled at him. "Nothing to worry about. My scales protected me from most of it." She was lying but she didn't want them to worry. She had gotten wounded and bruised up, but they didn't need to know that. The only one who did know was Todoroki. 

"Now Class is almost upon us!" Lida yelled. "So take your seats." Valkyr sighed and went up to her seat. 

"Val, you really ok?" Kirishima asked from behind her. Valkyr looked over her shoulder at him with a smile. 

"I am fine, Eiji," Valkyr said. "Remember I am tougher than you think." As she turned back to the front she looked at Katsuki who was just watching her. She smiled at him but she knew better. He knew she was hiding something. How could he not? Over the year he had seemed to pick up on a lot of things about her no matter how hard she tried to hide things. His eyes moved down to the bandages around her wrists peaking out from under her sleeves.  "Hey, I'm fine."

"You can tell me everything later," Katsuki said. It wasn't a request either. She sighed and leaned back into her seat. This boy I swear, Valkyr thought to herself. Certain things just don't seem to get into that thick head of his. But slowly she smiled. She couldn't help liking how much he cared for her. 

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