Ch 32: Provisional Licence Exam pt 1

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They were back in time to train for a couple days before heading for the provisional licence exam. Valkyr was a bit nervous. She didn't know how to react to this. She sat between Bakugou and Kirishima on the bus ride there. She held both boys hands tightly. 

"Calm down Val," Bakugou told her. "I will be right with you."

"I can't depend on you all the time Katsuki," Valkyr said. "I'm more nervous about being around so many other people. I don't do well with such large crowds."

"Don't worry Val," Kirishima smiled. "You will do great. You rocked it at I island." Valkyr slowly nodded. Soon the bus stopped and they got off. She didn't let go of Bakugou's hands. 

"If you guys are able to pass this exam and get your provisional licenses, then you are no longer eggs," Aizawa said. "You will become chicklings. Incubated to become semi-professionals. Do your best."

"All Right!" Kaminari yelled. "Let's do it!! We'll become chicklings!"

"Ok everyone gather round!" Kirishima yelled out. "Ready? Plus.." Valkyr looked up noticing some tall guy to walk up to their group. Valkyr frowned. 

"Ultra!!" the man yelled. 

"It's not good to randomly insert yourself into other people's huddles," another boy said. "Inasa."

"Ahhh, damn it." Inasa said. "Please accept my most humblest apologies!!" He did a super low bow hitting his head on the ground. Valkyr grabbed onto Bakugou's arm. She was super nervous around so many other people. Bakugou took his arm from her grasp and put it around her waist and pulled her close. 

"Who is this guy that's so ridiculously pumped up?" Kamianri asked. 

"Wait those uniforms." Someone said. 

"U.A. to the east." Bakugou said. Valkyr looked up at him. "Shiketsu to the west."

"Of the many hero departments out there," Someone yelled. "The elite school that matches up with U.A.....Shiketsu High!"

"I just wanted to try an' say it once!! Plus Ultra!" Inasa yelled. "I myself, i mus' say that I love U.A.!! It;s the utmost honor to be able to compete with you all at U.A. I wish you the best."

"Yorashi Inasa," Aizawa said as the guy walked away. 

"Sensei do you know that person?" Hagakure asked. 

"That guy is strong." Aizawa said. "Yoarashi, at last years entrance exam, the same one you all took. In spite of receiving the top score and passing. For some reason, he declined his admission offer." Valkyr shook her head. 

"This place has weird people," Valkyr mumbled as she leaned into Bakugou's side. He looked down at her and smiled amused with her. 

"Eraser?!" Someone yelled. "Eraser, is that you?! I saw you on tv and at the sports festival but it's been so long since we've seen each other face to face. Let's get married!" Valkyr looked up and over at her dad. 

"No thanks," Aizawa said nonchalantly.

"If you married me, we could start a family filled with unbearable laughter and joy," the lady said. Valkyr pulled away from Bakugou and ran over to Aizawa. She grabbed onto his side. 

"That doesn't sound joyful to me," Aizawa said as he put a hand on Valkyr's head. "Besides I already have a family. This is my daughter. Valkyr this is the pro hero known as Ms. Joke."

"Don't go cheating on Hiza, dad," Valkyr told him. 

"What?" Ms. Joke exclaimed. "You have a daughter? Since when? Hiza??!"

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