Ch 25: The Rescue

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Valkyr felt Katsuki's arms go around here as the wall to the side was broken in. Valkyr looked up to see All Might. Then branches streamed in and began binding up all the villains, it was Kamui Woods. 

"You can't run away, Villain Alliance." All Might said. "Why you ask? BECAUSE WE ARE HERE!"

"This time we won't be as careless," Edge shot said coming in the door. "The Pizza delivery. It's not just us. We've got skilled heroes like endeavor surrounding the outside with the police." Valkyr moved to stand next to Katsuki. She felt a bit relieved seeing all these heroes. 

"It must have been scary," All might said looking over at them. "You two did well to endure!! I'm sorry, my boy, Valkyr. It's okay now."

"I'm not scared!" Katsuki yelled. "I'm fucking calm, damn it!!" Valkyr leaned against him. She knew better. She knew he was just to prideful to admit he was afraid. 

"Damn we went to such lengths," Shigaraki said. "Kurogiri, BRING AS MANY OF THEM HERE AS YOU CAN!" There was a moment of pause before Kurogiri answered. 

"I'm sorry, Shigaraki Tomura," Kurogiri said. "But the nomus are no longer that their designated location."

"As I though, you are still just a green horn," All Might said. "You, Villain Allaince, underestimated these kid's spirits, the diligent investigation of the police, and our fury! No More games! It ends here Shigaraki Tomura!"

"It ends here, you say?" Shigaraki said. "Don't joke with me. We've only just gotten started. Justice. Peace. This rubbish heap society capped by such vague concepts. I will destroy it and I'll start by removing the cap that is all might. I've only just begun to gather comrades. Nonsense, this is just the beginning!"

"Hey Shigaraki," a short older hero said. "I wanted to ask....where exactly is that boss of yours?"

"Non-sense. This....This..." Shigaraki said hysterically as he began to freak out. Valkyr gripped the back of Katsuki's shirt. She didn't like the look in Shigaraki's eyes or the aura he gave off. "Not like this.....Nonsense....Get out of my sight....Vanish...."


"I HATE YOU!!!!!!" Shigaraki yelled with pure rage. Nomu's burst from black liquid like portals. The heroes began reacting but more and more just kept pouring out. Vaklyr felt something on her shoulder and looked down seeing that black liquid spread around her. She began to freak out and try to get it off and it covered her face she felt like she couldn't breathe. The last thing she heard was All Might calling her and Katsuki's names. 

Valkyr dropped to the ground breathing heavily. "The hell is this?!" came Katsuki's voice. She looked over and saw him next to her.  Their hands reached out to grasp each others.  Though the next voice made her freeze. 

"I'm sorry, Bakugou. Little Valkyr." the voice said. She turned to look with a quivering lip. She had never met this person while captive by her father, but she remembered hearing it. Something about his voice always gave her the creeps. Face to face it sent shivers down her spine. This is All For One she thought. She felt Katsuki grab her hand as Villains began dropping out of portals behind them. "You've failed again huh Tomura? But you absolutely cannot get discouraged. All you need to do is try again. I brought your comrades back for you. And this boy too. Even little Valkyr. Since you have deemed them to be important pieces. Try as many times as you'd like. That's why I'm here. Everything is for your sake."

Suddenly All Might came streaming in like a rocket from the sky. "I'm going to make you give Everything back, All For One!" 

"You're going to kill me again, All Might?" All For one asked.  The shock wave from All Might landing sent Valkyr and Katsuki rolling back. All for One sent All Might flying but she knew he would be back. She slowly got to her feet. She wasn't doing to well. Still beat up and burned from her time spent with Dabi. "Get out of here, Tomura. And take the kids with you." Somehow All for One activated the knocked out Kurogiri's quirk and a portal appeared. "Now leave." All Might was coming back but All for One was still talking. "I want you to remember, Tomura. You can still grow so much more." Then the two collided again and began to fight. 

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