Ch 26: When You Need Me

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Valkyr was alone for the first time in a while. She walked through every room in her apartment and just stared around. She didn't know what she was looking for. It hadn't even really set in yet that she was home. She moves into the bathroom and starts the shower. She wants the water to heat up. She begins to take her clothes off and catches sight of herself in the mirror. Recovery Girl had visited her and most of her burns and bruises were almost gone, but the hand print one her chest between her breasts was scarred. She put her hand over it and closed her eyes. She took a few deep breaths. She was trying to hold it together. She couldn't let herself break. She didn't think she could come back from it. She covered the mirror with a towel so she wouldn't see herself anymore. She got into the shower and as she washed herself she just couldn't seem to feel clean. No matter what she did she felt Dabi's hand on her chest. She didn't understand why this had effected her so much after what she went through growing up. 

Was it because she had gotten so used to being safe?

Was it because she wasn't as cold as she portrayed?

Valkyr didn't know but she was trying so hard to keep it together. She didn't want to let this man affect her so much. She finally turned the shower off and got out. She dried off and moved to her room to get dressed. Loose pants and one of Katsuki's shirts she had in her closet. She had a tendency to steal Katsuki's and Kirishima's shirts when they stayed over. Neither seemed to really mind. She looked up as she thought she heard something. She thought she heard the front door. Suddenly she felt like she wasn't alone. She walked towards her bedroom door looking down the hall. The thing that terrified her was turning that corner and seeing those bright blue eyes and that patchwork grin. She walked down the hall and suddenly someone appeared before her. Blond hair, red eyes, and that smile only ever used for her. 

"Katsuki?" Valkyr asked in a soft surprised tone.

"Hey Val," Katsuki said with a smile. He held his arms out like he was waiting to hold her. "Come here." Valkyr ran to him and jumped into his arms. She wrapped her own around his shoulders and pushed her face into his neck. "I got you now, Val." That was it. She broke. She began to cry and let out all she had been holding in over the week she spent with Dabi. Even when Shouta held her, she hadn't felt as safe as she did right now.  

Katsuki knew he had to be there for her. Not only to comfort her but himself. He had been kept asleep most the week. When he saw her come out of the back room all beaten up and burned, he had been filled with such worry and anger. He wanted to kill the fucked up face asshole. He had heard that the burn on her chest would scar and couldn't be healed completely. He hated that the fucker had left a mark on her she could never be rid of. He picked her up and carried her to her bed as she cried. He sat down with her in his lap and rubbed her back. 

"Let it out Val," Katsuki told her softly. "I got you and I'm never letting you go." He held her even after she cried herself to sleep. He laid down with her so she would comfortable.

The next morning Valkyr woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon. She sits up and it takes her a moment to remember she is home. It takes her another moment to remember Katsuki had been here the night before. She gets up and walks out to the living room. She can see Katsuki in the kitchen. "Katsuki?" she asked.

"Hey your awake?" Katsuki said. "Breakfast is almost ready." Valkyr walked over and hugged him from behind. "What's wrong?" 

"Thank you for being here," Valkyr told him. "I didn't feel safe until you showed up." Katsuki smiled and put a hand on top of hers. 

"Always Val," Katsuki told her. "I came right over as soon as I found out you were allowed to come home."

"I wouldn't have made it through the night without you," Valkyr said. 

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