Ch 16: Hero Names

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   That morning was very awkward for Valkyr. She woke up between the two guys holding her. She had Katsuki spooning her while she was snuggled into Kirishima. She felt extremely warm and comfortable, until she noticed the two awake and glaring at each other. Valkyr sighed. Well that ruined her morning first thing. Without even saying anything she got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to start getting ready. She was starting to think maybe she would have to start putting some distance between them and her for a while. She knew Katsuki wouldn't like that because he wanted to push forward, but he was to possessive and to aggressive about it. Than Kirishima was trying to push his way in, knowing how Katsuki would react. Part of her thought he was purposely doing it knowing how he would react and that it would upset her. 

Valkyr got dressed in her school uniform. When she came out both boys were already dressed and she kind of ignored them. Katsuki tried to give her a hug but she pulled away from him, which made him frown. She didn't even look at either of them. She grabbed her bag and waited for them to do the same. 

"Val?" Kirishima tried to talk to her, but got no answer. "Valkyr, come on. Talk to me."

"Just to you?" Valkyr asked in a bored tone. She looked at him with a knowing look in her eyes. It eve made Kirishima feel guilty. 

"Well," Kirishima said. "Of course not, to us. You just woke up upset."

"I didn't wake up upset," Valkyr said looking back towards the door. "I woke up feel warm and safe between two guys that I trust more than anything. Who make me feel better about myself. But I woke up to them glaring at each other like they own me and want the other gone. I warned you guys. I am not property to be won and thats how you are acting." She couldn't look at them. She knew if she looked at them she would be convinced to give in. Especially Katsuki, but she had to stay strong. She would not be treated like property again. 

"Just give it up, Kirishima." Katsuki said. "She isn't going to forgive us right now." He grabbed his bag and opened her door.  He glanced at her face to see her trying to force a strong face. He smirked on the inside knowing why she kept her back to them. "I am sorry though Val. I can't help it with how I feel for you." He said softly as he watched her bite her bottom lip before looking up at him a bit. He gave her a soft smile he knew she couldn't resist. That was a weakness for Kirishima. Katsuki had known her a year so knew how to predict her pretty well. 

Valkyr felt her will crumbling looking at Katsuki. He was just so sweet to her, and she knew she was the only one he acted like that too. She sighed and took his hand. "Come on you two. We have to get to school." She walked out with them. Kirishima had a frown on his face. He was beginning to realize his disadvantage against Katsuki. 

"Hey we still have time to grab something to eat and a coffee at the small shop at the corner," Kirishima offered. "They have a knew pastry." Valkyr looked at him.  Kirishima knew her love for sweets. 

"Alright, I could go for something sweet," Valkyr smiled. As they approached the shop she heard someone yelling her name. She let go of Katsuki's hand as she turned around and saw Awase and Tetsutetsu. She smiled. "Hey guys." Suddenly she was lifted and twirled around by Awase. She giggled. 

"Morning Val," Awase said as he put her down. 

"Morning Setsu," Valkyr smiled and gave him a hug. "I never got to see you guys after the festival."

"We looked for you," Tetsutetsu said. "But we couldn't find you." Valkyr moved to give him a hug. "Morning Val."

"Morning Tetsu," Valkyr said. 

"Hey rock head," Tetsutetsu grinned looking at Kirishima. Kirishima chuckled. 

"Sup, metal head," Kirishima said. They bumped hardened fists. 

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