Ch 11: Sports Festival - Race and Battle

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      The first trial of the sports festival was an obstacle race. Valkyr removed her shoes and tossed them next to the stage. If she was going to run she would transform her feet for a better grip. Her wings weren't much use because they were still healing from the damage they took at the USJ attack, so she couldn't just fly the whole way anyway. Her feet scaled over and shifted while she walked over to the group. "Good luck everyone." Valkyr said and smiled. A lot of them returned the statement and smiled. Soon they were given the go signal and people rushed forward pushing and shoving to get through a small tunnel.  

Valkyr did not want to get mixed up in that. She shifted her hands to her dragon form and jumped on the wall. She crawled over the top of the tunnel laughing at the people below. Then she felt the sudden chill as people got frozen to the ground. She smirked knowing it must be Shoto. She came out the other side and jumped in front of the frozen group. Her clawed feet gave her great traction to run ahead on the ice. She looked around noticing she wasn't the only one to escape the icey trap. She chuckled and ran ahead, gaining on Shoto and Katsuki quickly. "Nice try Shoto." She called. Then she noticed the little ball head mineta jumping towards Todoroki mentioning something about a secret move only to be based away by a metal arm. 

Valkyr skid to a stop as she looked up at a bunch of giant robots. "Really? These things?" Valkyr chuckled. She was the first to jump into the fray and easily climbed up one and went over, dodging attacks from other robots. She had fought robots for training her entire life. These things were easy. It made it all easier when everything seemed to stop and she noticed the metal had frosted over. "Shoto is showing off again." She giggled. She jumped down on the other side right next to Todoroki. He seemed surprised to see her. 

"1-A's Shoto Todoroki and Valkyr Wraithier are in the lead. Seems neither was daunted by the towering robots." She heard Hizashi announce. Valkyr gave him a smirk before taking off with him hot on her tail. Soon they came to the next obstacle. A deep pit with pillars and tight ropes. Valkyr looked around as she tried to come up with a plan with the fastest solution. She watched Todoroki pass her and begin to cross. She could also hear others coming quickly behind her. She took a deep breath and shifted more into dragon form, her wings ripping through the back of her shirt. 

"I can't fly but I can glide." Valkyr grinned. She ran and jumped off the edge gliding to the next pillar. She kept this up until she made it across. She looked back and saw many of her classmates quickly finding ways across. A thought popped into her mind that if she was being truly strategic she would cut all the lines leading to the last edge. She frowned and shook her head. She wasn't that type of person. She turned and kept running. She could see Todorki and Katsuki up ahead. She hadn't noticed him, but he had passed her during the pit. She frowned looking down as they came upon a mine field. "Are they even trying to challenge us?" She took the same strategy from the pit fall and jumped gliding as far she could. Always making sure her landing wasn't on one of the mines. She jumped when she heard a loud explosion from behind her and looked up to see Izuku riding a piece of metal. She laughed. "Go Izu!" She kept going. She was getting close to the boys when Izuku used them as jumping boards. Using their distraction to her advantage she dove through the smoke caused by Izuku's explosion and successfully passed the boys. She folded her wings tight to her back to create less drag as she ran as hard as she could to the finish line. Izuku got first but she managed to grab second. 

She ran over to him and jumped on him wrapping her arms around him. "You were great Izu!" She told him smiling and giggling. 

"Ahh, Valkyr." Izuku cried in surprise. "Thanks. You were doing awesome yourself."

"I managed to get past the boys easily because of you distracting them." Valkyr said as she pulled away still smiling. She retracted her wings and had to stretch her shoulders a bit. They were severely sore now. Even just using them to glide had been extremely painful. 

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