2) Sanskar's Lust

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Scene opens at dining table,

Sanskar, Ragini, Laksh are chatting and swara serving them.

Sanskar didn't look up at swara and busying with them. The arrogant , attitude is visible to his face. Smile is something he's like never had. He can only smirk.

Swara is scared around him little and uncomfortable too so by mistakes she felt the dall in his hand.

" What the..." Sanskar yelled in anger but stopped to seeing her.

Swara flinch at his cold loud voice.

" What the hell? Can't you see?" Laksh also shouted.

" Bloody bitch..now what are you waiting for cleaning it" Ragini yelled.

Swara is shivering due them heavy loud voices but in trembling hand she take napkin and clean his hand.

Swara didn't dare to look at Sanskar only she can feel his gaze.

" Ragini, I've to clean it..Laksh where's washroom?" Sanskar asked.

" Swara show him washroom and after that don't show your face" Ragini said in irritating tone.

Swara control her tears and made way towards washroom, Sanskar follow her.

Swara about to go but he hold her arm and pulled her near him. Swara looking at him in wide eyes.

" So you're the so called wife or maid in this house" he said smirking, tears rolled down from her eyes.

" l-l-leave m-m-me" she said pushing him but it's really difficult task.

She seeing him in begging eyes to leave her but he looking at her and smirk. He looking at her head to toe, made her more uncomfortable and helpless.

Finally he left her and she runs from there.

Swara comes at her room and locked it, she sit in floor, hugging her knees. She's crying so much.

" Mom, dad...why you left me..why?? I'm so alone..no one is here to save me, to protect me..I want to die, but Mom I didn't kill myself just because your word...you hates people's 'who's coward'... Mom I'm not coward. But I'm dying mom. Dad I miss your pampered nature. All is gone now. I lost everything..my self respect, my dream all." She said to herself and cried more.

" Ragini, are you coming?" Sanskar asked and Ragini nods.

Both bro-sis Left and Laksh went towards his room.

" Bhai, what happened you're having a happy face?" Ragini said when sanskar stopped the car in front of her home.

" Ntng" he said and Ragini went towards home while sanskar left for his mansion.

Sanskar is a type of man who didn't like anyone order him so how could he tolerate his parents order all time so he shift his own mansion.

He didn't care about so much his parents but he really loves Ragini. Who knows when Ragini continuously insisted to Laksh her love he denied but if he got any ideas what will be there. He could go there's a while ago.

' Swara' the girl he saw at least 7 Months ago.. he's really felt like something never had before, the scary face, nervous look made him more happy. He really wants her.

But then he never saw her, he tried to find her then he got only a news she married with someone but as the marriage happen in some secret type he didn't know with whom?.

But now finally he saw her again..more scared and nervous which is made the monster in his aroused. The way she dressed up. It arouses more...to Know what inside this.

Her face, cheeks, eyes, lips... it's like something he can't get off his mind.

He fucked so many people but the lust he wants to fullfil only having her in bed it not get satisfied by anyone.

In fact he got a fight with his so called girlfriend Kavita because of this. As they're having sex and in mistake he said swara's name.

Well now he finds her back and divorce papers also sign so he got chance to play with her.

" It will be interesting" he mummer and entered in his room.

He lying in his bed and thinking about Swara, she's really making him mad more. He have to do fast to get her.

The divorce will be confirm after 1 week then Ragini will be married Laksh so ragu will throw her out of house, he Knows his Sister very well, how much he hate the girl and he can keep her to play.

Sanskar decided to talk with Ragini, as she always listen to him and if he said he wants swara she will manage everything.

Sanskar close his eyes thinking about swara and decided tomorrow he can do something , he knows what to do.

Another side,

Swara wipes her tears and went towards washroom. After get fresh she lying in bed and just pray nothing will bad happen to her.

The look she saw today in his eyes was pure lust and she knows very well no one is there so save her so it will be better if she save to herself.

She is not any helpless girl, after one week she will be gone from here very far. She didn't want to see this heartless people's face.

But when her own Dadi didn't show any Mercy so how could she expects it from any other.

She have to be strong. But the nature of her always betrayed her. She really didn't know why but she feels scared in between unknown people, she cried when someone hurts her in words, she feels so helpless when that bloody jerk eye raping her but she can't do anything. If she will tell them they didn't help her, she Knows.

" Swara you have to be strong. You have to be" she mummer and fall asleep.

How's that chappy??

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