32) Please Take Me

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Sanskar is waiting outside. He wants to talk to Deep. What he wants? Okay fine he knows he's doing all this because he kill his brother Rajat, but is it only the reason??

He looks at Deep who comes out and Sanskar hold his collar taking him aside.

"Mr. Maheswari leave me" Deep shouted.

"Why would I?? Don't act here. Tell me what you want? What you did with my Swara?"

Deep smirk and pulled his hand.

"You dirty my shirt" deep smirk more seeing Sanskar, his eyes tell that how much he's miserable without Swara.

"Well your Swara is now my Arohi so better forget her" Sanskar again hold his collar.

"Slow Mr. Maheswari. Your Swara is not now yours. Well I must tell your choice is great....every night beneath me, uff she's amazing" a punch land on Deep's face but still he smiled.

"I'll kill you if you tried to touch her" Sanskar about to again punch but Deep hold his hand.

"Tried?? I did it every night in this month and you can't do anything." Sanskar want to kill him but he control...he have to for Swara at least now but he vowed to kill him.

"What you want?" Sanskar said tighting his fist, controlling his anger.

"Well at first I just want to take revenge for my brother but the moment I saw Swara, uff what a beauty!! Now I just want her." Another punch land on Deep's face. He wipes the blood comes out from corner of his lips.

"Poor Sanskar, can't do anything. Because now your Swara is mine. And don't try to come near her... otherwise you'll suffer" Deep pushed Sanskar away.

"Who's that girl in our mansion?" Deep smirk looking at Sanskar.

"She's your old crazy lover, who just had changed by face." Deep left.

"I've to do something fast. But how will I get Swara back. Think something Sanskar" he talked to himself and left from there thinking something.

Another side, in mansion Swara is standing near window looking outside. Suddenly two hand hold her from back. Swara pushed the person angrily.

"Don't you dare to touch me" Swara shouted at Deep who have smirk looking at her.

"Ohh what a anger!! Wild tigress. I love it. But don't forget what I can do? (Deep sit on bed looking at Swara) your Sanskar is getting mad every seconds.... I'm really enjoying this show beautiful, you should have looked Sanskar face...ops I can saw this same at your face also." Swara give him a disgusting look.

"Soon Sanskar will take me and will kill you." Swara said in anger.

"Yeah like he killed my brother?" Deep smirk then comes near her. Swara started going back but he hold her wrist tightly.

"What he do at Mall...my men's are following you all time don't forget and if you tried to tell Sanskar that you remember everything then my just one Call and your every family members will be finished in next minute" Swara tried to free her hands, but he's holding it more tightly.

"Aahhhhh'" Swara hissed.

Deep left and smile...."C'mon be a good girl and keep your mouth closed"

Deep left the room and swara sit in floor with a 'thud'...."Please Sanskar do something. Please take me, I'm dieing to be with you and our daughter. I can't do anything otherwise I'll loose Everyone. Please take me away from here" Swara cried and went towards the bed side drawer, opening it she take out the chain which Sanskar gave her...'ss' pendent is resemble of there symbol of togetherness. She kiss the locket and close her eyes.

Her Trust win today. Sanskar never believe that girl as Swara. And now he find her. She believes that soon Sanskar will take her away from here.

Another side, in Maheswari Mansion,

"What??... Sanskar was there. (Tighten her fist).. that's bloody Ragini told me he went London. I'll kill all them" Shout fake Swara.

"Cool down. I control Swara and she won't tell anything to Sanskar taking any risk. But Sanskar find out that you're not Swara" Deep said in phone sipping the drink.

"Did you tell him who I'm?" Said fake Swara.

"Nope. But he can't guess all this as for him you're died long back. Am I right Miss Kavita?" Fake Swara aka Kavita smirk.

"How could I forget how Sanskar destroy my life sending me jail and then that accident. My half fucking face burn because of that but thanks to you for giving me this new face and now I'll not let them forget anything as well." Kavita said in venom filled voice.

"C'mon Kavita it's our plan which we did for Months but you are fail. You said Sanskar will believe you as Swara but no. And now he's mad behind Swara. I don't know how long I'll control Swara" Deep said in tense.

"Don't worry. Swara will not take risk as only in one click we can burn this whole Maheswari so chill" Kavita said.

"Don't be so relieved. Sanskar can do anything it's you know better"

"Listen Deep...you just go from there taking Swara otherwise I'll kill Swara" Kavita said.

"Don't dare. Swara is mine. I'll not leave you if something happens to her" Deep said angrily.

"Huh! Another lover. Don't know what Swara did magic. I hate her" Kavita cut the call angrily.

She wants to kill Swara in that accident but this Deep is mad behind her so she unwillingly agreed but Sanskar never believe that's her plan fail. She's not relive. She's angry on Swara that because of her crazy effect Sanskar find her. She's also scared what will he do? But she knows the main master remote is in her hand which is controlling Swara. But the question is till how??

Another side, Sanskar cut the call and smirk...."now Deep you can't keep Swara away. She will be here with me soon. I'm coming Swara to take you"

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