22) Deep Khurana

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Swasan are sleeping peacefully in each other's embrace. Swara open her eyes due to alarm sounds but she can't move as Sanskar hold her tightly in his arms.

She looks at his sleeping figure, she remembers all things last day and his words.

Her minds filled with fear but her heart had trust, Faith on him. He will manage everything. Last night she didn't know what comes on her but she'll be die if he left her, but he assured her that it's all fake and he will short out everything.

Sanskar moves little so she closed her eyes wanting to know what will he do.

Sanskar looking at her with raising eyebrows as how tight she closed her eyes. He smile seeing her not so good sleeping acting.

He leans towards her and brushes there's lips. She gasped. Her heart is beating faster as his every moment, the way he's caressing her bare back and looking at her face. She can feelm his intense gaze through the closing eyes.

He pulled her more close and bit her earlobes..."I know Jaan you're awake" hearing him she open her eyes wide.

Sanskar smirk seeing her expression while her face turned red, he capture her lips with a passionate kiss. Both are kissing each other holding other's naked body.

Swara's cheeks turn red feeling his hardness on her abdomen.

"Sanskar" she whisper and tried to push him but he hold her and start giving wet kisses on her jaw.."now not possible jaan" he bit her neck and lick to soothe the pain.

The kisses turn wild and lead them for another made love.

Swara comes out from bathroom in bathrobes and run towards dressing room to get dressed. Sanskar knocked but she giggle. He didn't left her in bathroom and now if it continues then they'll surely again end up in bed.

"Sanskar go and get dressed not again" she shouted. He pout and smile and left.

After getting dressed Sanskar entered in room and getting mesmerized seeing her in pink saree. Feeling eye's on her, she turn and blush due to his gaze.

He comes near her and kissing her forehead looking at her angelic face. In wet water, without make up naturally she's looking an angel other side in suite, fixed hair he's not looking less then a Greek god.

Sanskar take the holy chain and make her wear that and then take a pinch of vermilion and filled her maang. In all this both didn't break the eye contact.

Sanskar peak her lips and take her downstairs for breakfast. Sanskar left study room for taking some file.

Suddenly a phone rings, Swara frown and seeing his phone. She held her phone and looks at the caller ID.

"Ragini" she mummer, she didn't want to pick up the call but ignoring is not a good choice.

Swara pick the call but before she could say heard Ragini's voice.

"Bhai, why the hell you're not picking my calls?? Did that girl say you to ignore me?..how could you do this..to me?? How could you left Kavita when she needs you most. You left her making pregnant and now behaving like nothing happened?...why are you silent say something" Swara closed her eyes and take a deep breath.

"Ragini it's me" Ragini gets more angry hearing her voice.

"You are still there after knowing everything. I thought you'll be understand everything and give him divorce but (laugh sarcastic) how could you left the big opportunity to have such luxury life" hearing her taunt Swara gets angry.

"Shut up Ragini, I'm with Sanskar because I know your friend is lying so stop this" Swara said in anger.

"How could you be so sure. Both had a relationship and you know Bhai so don't you think It can be possible" her words is somehow right. Of course Sanskar had been surely physically with her but she can't distrust him.

"Ragini I know but he said Kavita is lying so stop this" suddenly someone snatch the phone from her hand.

Swara looks towards angry Sanskar. Who just cut the call.

"Sanskar she-" Sanskar stop her.

"I'm late for office bye. Take care" he kissed her forehead and left.

Swara's heart and mind start playing. She doesn't understand only one answer..what if Kavita is really pregnant with his child then what will she do?

Another side in office Sanskar is busy in files and thinking of the matter. He well know that Swara is restless because of the matter but he can't understand. The person he hired to collect something also saying nothing he find till now. His patients is now breaking.

His phone rings.

"Hello.....(shout) what the hell you mean nothing?.....I don't need your any excuse...... listen Mr. If you can't find any prove then soon you'll be in road beg" saying Sanskar cut the call.

He throw the phone on floor in anger.

Another side Kavita is sitting in bed and smirking.

"Do what you want but can't find anything baby and soon you have accept that this baby is yours and your so called love will leave you soon" Kavita smirk then her phone rings.

Picking the call she smile..."well I must say you're great"

The another person smirk.."of course I know I'm best but this will not be easy you know"

Kavita smirk.."of course I know. But soon sanky baby will be in my trap"

Another person laugh.."of course because Deep khurana is never left his any enemy and when the enemy have such a beautiful weak point so game will be so interesting" both laughs.

Kavita cutting the call smirk evilly..."Sanskar is only mine and no one can snatch him. You'll pay for this Swara taking what's mine"

Another side Swara sitting on bed thinking deeply about all this suddenly she feels like vomiting and runs inside.

After coming in room she sit on bed holding her head..why my head is so aching. I guess because of stress. C'mon Swara don't think too much, Sanskar said he will handle so trust him. Everything will be fine. Swara closed her eyes for taking some rest.

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