23) Good News

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Swara is resting due to her headache. She don't know why but she's feeling restless.

Sanskar in office working but his mind is on Kavita. He can't understand what if she's right?..but it can't be possible..so why the hell he didn't get any information. He take help the best private investigator but he can't find anything till now.

Sanskar didn't want to make Swara more tense, Swara not only his love... she's his everything..his desiy, his lust, his world, his life....his lust towards Swara change into Love.

The feeling he had for Swara he didn't feel never and after her he didn't want anything. He never thought that he can be bound by only one girl but Swara did this. Now he's one women man. The women his life partner Swara.

But his past is not letting him in peace. His phone rings, he sigh hope it will be some news.

"Did you find something?" Sanskar asked impatient.

"No sir, but Miss Kavita had a contact with some Mr Deep"

"I want all proper information don't you understand??..and yeah give me every information about that deep" saying Sanskar cut the call.

Again Sanskar's phone rings...this time it's from his mom.

"Yes Mom" he said picking the call.

"Beta is all true?? Kavita is pregnant with your child???.. what are you doing??"

Sanskar knows very well it will be Ragini who said all this as she text him in morning.

"Mom I don't have interest in all this, and that's not my baby" saying he cut the call.

Sanskar comes home at night where Swara is waiting for him in dinning table. His all frustration is gone just seeing her...Swara magic

Both had dinner with some chit-chat, Swara is tensed because of Kavita as Sanskar still didn't find anything.

At night, Swara is sleeping hugging Sanskar and he's looking at her face then his phone beeps.

Sanskar look the text which indicates that information about deep is mailed him.

He slowly get up not disturbing her sleep and open his laptop.

His eyes get wide to find who's really Deep!... Deep khurana...he had a brother Rajat khurana...the same Rajat who dares to laid eyes on Swara.

"Did that deep know about Rajat Death??..did he join hand to Kavita?" Thinking this he closed his eyes.


Sanskar is angry as Swara is not accepting him and his male ego made him mad...no girl till resist him but this girl is making him mad.

But that's Rajat tried to take what he wants and how Sanskar Maheswari could leave him so easily.

Next day......

He went his farmhouse which held in outside of city. There's that's Rajat was lying in pool of blood. His guards beat him full night.

Seeing Sanskar Rajat held his legs,

"Please leave me, please" Sanskar smirk and kick him. Rajat hissed.

"You laid your eyes on something which is mine so you have to bear the consequences as well" saying he sign his guards and all again starting beating him.

Sanskar left and sitting outside hearing Rajat's scrams which giving him peace.

Soon his scrams stop and a guard comes near Sanskar running.

"Sir.. he's not breathing"

Then after some time all confirm that Rajat is dead, they give this situation as an accident and Sanskar also had contact with police so all went handle.

Though he didn't want to kill him, but he's not sad with his dead, he is happy.

Flashback End

Sanskar look towards Swara who's sleeping, he didn't say all this to her.

What will be her reaction when she will find out about Rajat being Dead??

Shrugging all thoughts he went near Swara and sleep taking her in his arms.

In morning as usual Sanskar is getting ready and coming downstairs for having breakfast. Swara is serving and give him smile.

Sanskar sit and swara about to sit but stumbled little. Sanskar get up and held her.

"What is this Swara?.. you're not taking care (taking out phone)." He made her sit in sofa.

"Sanskar I'm ok-" he cut her.

"I'm calling doctor no arguments" Swara keep quiet but smile seeing his care.

"Hello doctor Sharma, come to my home" saying he cut the call.

He pick Swara in his arms,..."Sanskar I can walk what are you doing?"

"I said keep quiet" Swara pout.

Sanskar made her lie on bed, after sometime doctor comes and examined her.

Sanskar was outside waiting impatiently. Doctor comes out and he runs towards doctor.

"What happened to her??.is she okay?. tell me doctor she's okay... Why are you silent" he's asking all continuously.

"Relax Mr. Maheswari she's okay but now you've to take care her more"

Sanskar frown..."what you mean? Say clearly"

"Mrs. Maheswari is pregnant. Congratulations you're going to be father" Sanskar is numb for a second.

Then he smile and after getting all incuiry about her health, doctor left.

Sanskar come inside and hug Swara.

"Thanks Jaan, I'm so happy today" Swara Shyly smile.

He break the hug and peak her lips and kiss her forehead.

"Today no office, I'll be here with you all day" Swara smile and hug him, she's also want to be this day with him.

Forgetting all problems, Sanskar taking care of her. He's feeding her with his hand and kissing her every minute. Swara is loving his this side, she's feeling like she's on nine cloud.

When Swara get tired Sanskar made her sleep on bed and looking towards his phone where had 29 Miss call from Kavita, he take a frustrated sigh.

He went balcony and called her.

"Thank God you call me. Why are you doing this Sanskar?"

"Shut up Kavita. Stop disturbing me. Go and talk the father of this child, live me in peace" he said angrily.

"You're the father and I've prove on this. I want to meet you. You're denied all things but I'll make you remember. I'm waiting and if you don't come I'll go to media then don't come to me for ruining your reputation" she said angrily and cut the call.

Sanskar gritted teeth in anger the look the text which Kavita send a address to meet him in an hour.

Sanskar went towards Swara and kiss her forehead.

"Don't worry, I'll make everything right and not letting you suffer anymore" he kissed her forehead and then belly..."papa loves you princess"

He went to meet Kavita.

Sorry for late update. I've fever.

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