14) Happiness

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Scene opens at Swasan room,

Swara is lost in her thoughts and thinking about Sanskar's behavior and his gestures.

No matter how much she feels angry but nowadays she feels a different type of emotion..maybe attraction she thought.

But she's in doubt why sudden change?..did he love.....but no he's lust on her.

His behavior made her mad and she's getting confused with her new feelings.

Birthday was so Cute...the way they celebrate her birthday. She's happy that after a long time there's someone but no she can't trust him so soon.

"Swara Don't think so much" she's mummer but her full concentrate on only thinking about him.

He left just some times ago saying he had a important work and will be coming after an hour.

She's looking the watch again and again....did I'm waiting for him? She thought.

Of course she will be...he promised after coming he will take her out and today he will be with her.

Suddenly her phone beeps... it's Sanskar text.

" Jaan get ready I'm coming then we'll leave"

Whenever he address her as a  'jaan' don't know what happened inside her.

It's like some butterfly running in her stomach and now her cheeks her heat. Omg...is I'm blushing?

She after a take breath went near cupboard and looking her collection which obviously all brought by Sanskar.

She after a think long wearing a jeans and long kurti. She's combing her hair and put a lip gloss. Never like so much  make up.

Sanskar comes and open the room door silently and looking at Swara. Who's now standing near mirror and looking at herself.

There's something still missing. After feeling gaze on her she turned and blush. The way he's looking at her. It's not the past looks. There's something new.

He comes near her and with every step her heart beat increase more and more..what's wrong with me?

Swara looks down can't available continue this gaze, her red natural cheeks made him so crazy.

Then she feels he take something in hand. She looks at him with wide eyes.

Sindoor(vermilion) box.

He take a pinch of vermilion and fill her maang. All time she's stare at him. They just sign a paper but today his gestures made great impact on her.

She closed her eyes for a moment it's feeling great. She never felt so happy before. Well she never put vermilion before time when she married with Laksh because that's all false. But now it's like a dream for her.. the real husband.

Sanskar kiss her forehead.."You looking perfect now" he mummer.

Her heart beat is so fast that she's afraid if he can listen it or not.

Both have a beautiful eye lock which broke because of his phone rings.

He cut the call and smile at her.."I'll just come" he said and left for fresh.

But her mind is stuck in His Smile so cute.

After get ready both left for mall. She don't like so much shopping as he already buy so many dress.

"Com'n jaan you'll need as Ragini is going to married this month beside your husband loves if his wife is spending his money" he said and kissed her cheeks because she had a cute pout.

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