18) Cavity ops Kavita's entry

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Swara blink her eyes and yank..she looks towards sanskar and her cheeks get red. He's already gazing at her.

Then she reminds all happened at night and now she's naked. She looks down shyly. Sanskar pulled her near and kiss her lips.

"I'll never get enough of this" he said caressing her lips with his thumb.

She pushed him little, and take his shirt which is near to her. After wearing it she's about to get up but hissed in pain.

Sanskar sit up and looking at her in concern..."are you okay?.. I'm sorry. I-i" Swara stop him.

"It's okay.. I'm fine, just a little sore"

She's about to get up but he stops her and wearing his boxers. He pick her in his arms..."Sanskar what are you doing?" She asked in shock but he ssshh her.

"You need relax" he made her stand down in shower.

He went near bathtub and filled it with hot water...."this hot water will make you fine" he said, she feels so blessed seeing his care. She kissed his cheeks.

"Today you just shower alone... because I don't want to give you another sore...but next time we will do it together" his mischievous voice made her blush, she hit playfully in his arm. After kissing her forehead he left to take bath another room.

Swara feel relaxed after bath..she comes out and saw him nowhere.

She's getting ready but he didn't there. She pout and about to fill her maang but a hand stop her.

Sanskar smile and take a pinch of vermilion and filled her maang, some minutes he admired her. Her face is glowing and eyes twinkling with happiness.

" Come...I made something for us" Swara is shock as he made something but feeling so happy.

As accepted...how can The Sanskar Maheswari knows to cook?..he made pasta for them.

Swara didn't like all this but it was made by her love..her Sanskar, how could she refused.

"How's it?" His behavior is like child for which Swara giggle...."it's awesome like you" she said.

Sanskar smirk.."I know I'm best" Swara rolled her eyes.

Both are talking and enjoying there new life.

Another side,

Kavita is comes out from Airport.. she's not happy at all. Ragini who comes to pick up her feel sad as she knows how much Kavita love Sanskar.

"Kavita.. you okay?" Ragini asked in concern.

"How can I be okay when my love is with another and my best friend whom I consider as my sister made them together" Kavita said in Anger.

Ragini sighs... she's also sad from all this...."Kavita it's not like that. You know Bhai always get what he wants and he asked me so I help him but trust me I didn't have a little idea that Bhai will marry that middle class Girl, I thought like always Bhai will get bored but she-" Kavita cut her.

"But she what??..she did some magic (falling her crocodile tears 😒)...you know how much I love Sanskar..I can't leave without him, I just went for a modelling contract. It's just I left for two months and all this happen" Ragini also get sad seeing her tears.

"Don't cry Kavita, if you truly love Bhai then he will comes to you. Laksh always say that if we truly love someone with our full heart no one can separate us" Kavita looks at her unbelievable.

"Are you serious?.. it's 21 century and here all chipkali tried to snatch your love. We had to save our love" she said and Ragini nods.

"Don't worry, let's go... we'll surely do something" Ragini made Kavita sit on car.

Kavita is in deep thoughts or we can say planning something big to do because this time it will be not easy to get Sanskar as he's serious about someone.

"C'mon Kavita.. you're the most beautiful girl in the world. No one can resist you and also Sanskar. He will soon get bored with Swara and come back running after you" Kavita is thinking in mind and smile little.

Ragini is tensed as she can't see her friend sad..."all is because of Swara, first he tried to snatch my love..my Laksh and now she's doing same with my brother. My innocent brother fall in her traps and don't know what happened to my smart brother. But I'll surely help Kavita to get Sanskar and throw that middle class Girl." Ragini think.

Car stop in front of Maheswari mansion, and ragkav went inside.

"Your mom didn't like me too much" Kavita mummer.

"C'mon Kavita, it's my marriage. She won't have any problem so just relax"

Both went inside, AP who's in kitchen make faces seeing Kavita.

"Lo aa gyi chudail" AP mummer.

"Mom look Kavita is here" Ragini said and AP comes near.

"Ragu, take her to guest room, I made arrangements. (To Kavita)..go and take rest. You'll be tired" AP said as formality.

"Let's go... Kavita" Ragini take her to guest room.

After fresh Kavita sit in bed again tried to call Sanskar but as usual he didn't pick up. She throw phone in another side of bed.

"Sanskar you're not doing good to ignore me like that..(she smirk) what you think I wouldn't do anything. I come here to good plan and you have to accept me" she said and stand.

She went near cupboard and take a file out, she smirk..." Sanky baby enjoy today with your so called wife because tomorrow I'll destroy everything. And that bloody middle class Girl... I'll not leave her" she said and again give her evilly smirk.

Another side, Swasan went out for enjoying themselves as he have no mood for today office, his PA will handle for today.

Both are in car with happy face unknown to the fact of coming in there's life.

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