20) Divorce?

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Sanskar is shocking to hear all this, Kavita is hugging him tightly not letting him go.

Sanskar pushed her and frown..."I don't believe you" Kavita give him a glare.

"You don't believe me?? Are you so much innocent??..and this is our child and I'm saying only truth. If you're thinking I'll go and never came back just because 'you don't believe me' then you are wrong. You have to give the right of this baby" Kavita shouted.

He hold her wrist tightly..."how dare you shouted at me huhh??.. just leave from here and yeah I'm not the stupid who believes you, I know how great actress you are" his smirking face make her more angry. He jerk her.

"Now just get lost from here and never show your dirty face" she left from there angrily.

Kavita left from there and driving the car in full speed,

" What he thinks of himself ? (She looks her wrist where is his red marks because of the tight grip). You don't know me Sanskar. Now just see what I do" she said to herself.

Ragini is in her room looking all the dresses she brought with Laksh as wedding shopping. But suddenly someone entered and hug her tightly.

Ragini was taken aback of this sudden act of Kavita but she gets worried seeing her crying. Kavita cried more hugging Ragini. After sometime Ragini made her to sit in bed and give her some water.

"Kavi, what happened morning you're saying everything will be fine soon and now cry this much?.. what happened to you" Ragini wipes her tears.

"Ragu, I thought after hearing the news Sanskar will understand everything and comes back to me but he just throw me out from from office"

"Sshh don't cry Kavita tell me what happened and what is the news you're talking about ?" Kavita looking at her with teary eyes.

"I'm...I'm pregnant" Ragini gasp in shock and stand up.

"What?" She whisper.

"Kavita....why the hell you didn't tell me before" Ragini asked and Kavita looks here and there.

Ragini sit beside Kavita..."look I don't know what to say you. But I'll surely talk to Bhai" Kavita stand up angrily.

"No Ragini... today he throw me and said I'm lying he didn't believe me. He choose that girl over me, over his baby what should you say now... he'll choose her over you I'm sure" Ragini hold her arm and made her looking at her.

"My brother loves me most"  Ragini said gritted her teeth.

"You very well know I'm saying truth. And you'll find out it your own" Kavita left.

Ragini take her phone and dial Sanskar's number.

"Bhai why the hell you throw Kavita after knowing everything" Ragini said angrily.

Sanskar who's already angry on Kavita's words hearing Ragini get more angry.

"Shut the fuck up... Don't call me to talking about her. I made you clear about it before. Go and give pity to your best friend" he said and cut the call.

His voice is so shout that Ragini is in shock. Her bhai never talk to her in this tone. Sanskar had always this tone to outside but he treats Ragini always princess and she also always supported her but today first time and all because of swara.

Rage fill in Ragini and remembering Kavita's word made her more angry..'he'll choose her over you I'm sure'..her words and Sanskar tone ring in her mind.

Ragini went Kavita's room and Strom inside. Kavita is doing something in her phone and seeing her she gets scared but soon composed herself but Ragini didn't notice all as she's so much angry.

"Come with me" Ragini hold her hand and dragged her.

"Where are you taking me?" Kavita asked being confused.

Ragini drive the car so fast and stop in front of Maheswari Mansion.

Swara is reading a book and smiling remembering her every moment with Sanskar. She feels so happy now, it's like her life is now mess free. Now everything will be fine and she'll get everything she dreams off.

"Swara......Swara" hearing her name she frown.

She comes downstairs and saw a angry Ragini there's with her another girl in same age of her, giving her some disgusting look.

Kavita who saw Swara give her disgusting look....what Sanskar saw in her she's not that pretty as I'm. She's not attractive but looking behenji in this saree. No doubt she's belongs in low class.

Swara ignore Kavita's glaring and looking at Ragini who gives her look like she will kill her now.

"Ragini you here?" Swara said in calm voice she didn't want any scene. No matter how is Ragini but she's Sanskar's sister and which is important to Sanskar will sure important to her.

"Do you think I need your permission for coming in my brother's house" Ragini's words are filled with hared. Swara didn't understand what's exactly she wants?

"No I I mean-" Ragini cut her.

"I'm not here to listen your so called sweet drama. You can trap my brother but not me. And (looking at Kavita) see her she's crying all day and night just because of you" Swara give them a question look.

"Only for you Sanskar Bhai reject her and there's baby. Did you have any idea you're destroying two lives" Swara is in shock...'her and there's baby' only this is ringing in her mind.

"What you mean" Swara said finally comes out of her shock.

"Oh...so trying to be like 'i didn't understand'??..so let me clear. Bhai and Kavita love each other and she's pregnant but you come between them and now Bhai is not accepting her and this unborn child."

Swara is in so much shocked. She wants to cry. The thought of her Sanskar had a another woman in his life and now going to be a father made her shattered.

"What you want from me?" Swara asked. Her voice is choke.

"Give him divorce " Swara looking at both of them shocked.

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