31) Arohi Khurana

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The plane land on Bangalore. Sanskar went to hotel near party venue. He didn't have intension to attend the party but as he's here so it will be good.

He contact to his detectives what they'll find out but there's nothing more then Bangalore. The area where the fake Swara called is near the area but nothing confirm.

In room he's looking at his and Swara's picture and thinking about her. He just hope his Swara would be fine. It's been one month. His heart is making him thinking positive but his brain is giving negative thoughts.

Shrugging all thinks, in full day he tried to searching her but found nothing he sit in his bed. Then he looks the watch and get ready to go party.

It's the success of Malhotra Empire and all businessman will be there for sure.

But the moment he entered in party he feels restless. He looks all way but find nothing. Why I'm feeling like Swara is here only??

He feels sad when he didn't found anything but after sometime he froze hearing a sound. He can't see as all are in his way but he's sure it's swara's voice.

Making all aside he went near the voice and stiffened. There his Swara. His fast beating heart is prove that she's only his Swara.

"Swara.. where were you. I found you everywhere. You're fine na Jaan?" He just hugged her tightly like if he loose the hug she will vanished again.

But then someone pulled him back. He frown find the face he known.

"How dare you to touch my wife" the man said angrily. Sanskar also get angry hearing her...how dare anyone claim his Swara.

"What rubbish. She's my wife Swara Sanskar Maheswari" Sanskar shouted.

Till the time all looks towards them. Sanskar PA who also accompany him get shocked to see Swara.

"Nonsense you're talking Mr. Maheswari. She's my wife Arohi Khurana" the man held swara's hand. Swara is looking all them in confusion.

"Swara tell him. You're my Swara. Not any Arohi" he hold her hand.

Swara remove her hand from his.." I don't know you."

The man take Swara and left. Sanskar looking at Swara is shocked. All are mummering about the scene but Sanskar didn't care and run outside. He looks the car going and note the number. He informed his detective to the number and find out everything.

But he's thinking where he saw the man then his eyes get wide... he's non other than Deep khurana, who help Kavita.

He comes in his hotel room and throw a vase in anger. How could he forget the person who help the b*tch Kavita. It's all his plan or Kavita's?? Is she alive.? Why the hell Swara said she didn't know him? He feels frustrated from all this. When his phone rings.

"Did you find about?" Sanskar just shouted.

"Yes sir. The car belongs to Deep khurana. And the women is his wife Around Khura. According to information. Deep left India a year ago after whatever happens in Kavita's matter and come back to a week ago along with this wife. And they're married from 8 Months." Sanskar clenched his jaw to controlling his anger.

"That was my Swara, my wife. It's simple that it's a game of him. I want every information about them where and when they went. Understand"

"Yes sir"

Sanskar took his wallet and saw swara's picture.

What happens to you Swara. But don't worry. Soon you'll be with mine and I'll kill the Deep(he remembers when he touch swara's hand). Deep no one can touch my Swara and you'll pay for this.

In next morning, Sanskar got every details about them.

He wait for Swara to come out from the house and smile seeing her going towards the Mall.

He followed her and when she entered in changing room he also entered and lock the door.

"Swara I Miss you" he claims her lips and pinned her on wall.

He's so lost in kiss, after some minutes he feels her pushing him and crying.

"Why are you crying?" He cupped her face.

Swara jerk his hand away..."how dare you to enter in changing room and kiss me forcefully. I'll complain against you. I'm Arohi not your Swara" Sanskar shhed her.

"Voice low Jaan. And about who's my swara I know it's you. I'll kill that Deep" he said angrily and looking at Swara who's glare at him.

"How dare you to say this about my husband" Sanskar hold her arms tightly hearing her word. It's give him unbearable pain.

"I'm your husband not Deep" Sanskar's voice is slow yet dangerous which made Swara gulp.

"I-i'll not scared from you. You're lieing to me. Deep told me everything you're a psycho who's always behind me. You can't do anything to me. I'll shout if you touch me." Sanskar smirk, he can she her pale face, she's showing brave but she's scared.

"Really. Then shout" he comes so close to her, she closed her eyes in fear.

Sanskar admire her beautiful face. Only he knows how his heart is feeling being with her so close. She's his breath. He join his forehead with her looking her close eyes.

Swara open her eyes slowly and looking towards his eyes. Both are looking at each other's.

Sanskar close his eyes to capture her face then move from her. Swara is standing in shock what happened? Why she didn't push him? She's Arohi not Swara.

Sanskar smile and kiss her forehead.

"Don't dare to go near to that Deep. The truth is I'm your husband Sanskar and we love each other's. It's all a plan. He's taking advantage of your memory loss. I love you" he give a peak on her lips and left shocked Swara.

Swara herself do you know what's going on? What's right and what's wrong? Who's telling truth and who's lieing to her?

She looks herself on mirror and touch her lips where he kissed.

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