36) Happily Ever after

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Swasan comes to his mansion where Ragini is waiting with Sara.

Swara went running and take Sara hugging her close to her heart. Both Sanskar-Ragini looking at them with smile.

"Thanks Ragini for taking care of her." Ragini nods no.

"She's also my daughter" Swara smile widely and hug her. The distance is gone....In heart still the little hurt till now exist is gone. The way Ragini take care her daughter and Laksh handling There's son supporting Ragini is amazing. They prove they changed and there's now no regrets. They're family now.

Ragini and swara break the hug and looking at Sara who's smiling seeing her mother.

"Ragu where's Kavita?" Sanskar asked.

Ragini sigh..."Bhai, Kavita is in her room and I guess she get the news of Deep. And we're in another room talking coming back you with Swara. When suddenly someone close our door from outside. After some minutes we come out when maid open the door. Kavita run away. I guess she heard us."

Sanskar gritted his teeth in anger...."did you find the servant who help them?" Ragini nods no.

"Bhai, all are loyel. We can't suddenly say anything but yeah mom sitting in home looking there's activities and find something fissy in two so let's see"

"When mom becomes CID" Sanskar thought then looks at Swara who's listening them and also caressing Sara who's Hugging her mumma.

"Swara let's go to Maheswari Mansion if Kavita wasn't there. We will stay together. It will be save." Swara nods.

All comes at Maheswari mansion. AP hug Swara and smile. All are happy. Laksh was also there with Raksh.

Sanskar and Ragini is busy to finding Kavita but won't understand where exactly she went.

Swara went to in her room and made sleep Sara. She closed her eyes and smile, now she's feeling good. She's near in her family. Now she just wants Kavita will get catch.

It's night time, all are sleeping. Swara is sleeping in smile and Sanskar is hugging her sleeping peacefully.

She remembers Sanskar's words..how he said he miss her and won't be able to sleep. But now his Swara back. Swara open her eyes and hearing some sounds.

She remove Sanskar hand and look at Sara who's also sleeping then comes out. She looks here and there but didn't find something then suddenly she heard some foot steps. She went there and suddenly a hand catch her.

Swara's eyes get wide seeing Kavita looking at her in anger.

"Sanskar" Swara shouted but she pulled a gun out and put in her forehead.

"Again I failed. But no. All is because of you. If you'll be not here then only Sanskar will be mine. I'll not leave you today. You've to die" kavita said like a mad women and looking at Swara with hatred.

"How you come here" Swara said in sweating, the mansion is full security.

"I know Sanskar will try to find me. And he will but then I thought why should go out. So I'm here only watched all you. Very Happy with my Sanskar...how dare you? Now I'll kill you and no one will be able to save you" Kavita said and about to press the trigger but someone hold her gun and trying to snatch it.

"Sanskar" Swara shouted and looking at Kavita who's trying to free her hand and gun. Swara is scared as still her hand in trigger.

Hearing sounds all come running but the room echoing from a gun sounds.

"Sanskar" all shout and Kavita also get shocked as the bullet hit Sanskar.

"Aahh" Kavita shouted as her head hit on something.

All are outside from hospital as Sanskar is in. Bullet is just touch on his waist side and he's fine but still are tense.

After a week Sanskar got fine. And comes home. He said to take him to Kavita.

And there's he entered in the basement of his mansion he smirk.

Kavita is there lying on ground. Hearing the step she open her eyes and holding her knees she went back.

"Please no. Leave me" Kavita said crying.

Kavita's Condition is very bad. When she shoot Sanskar Ragini hit her from back and then take her in there. Not only Ragini but Swara also torture her in this week. They didn't give her food only give some amount of water to make her alive. They cut her hair, which she love most. Then hit her from belt. Her face is covered with black color. Her eye brows also they cut. They everyday in at least two hours give her electric shock. All is done by Swaragini. Sanskar looking at girls in proud. Kavita's Condition is very bad. She begged for die daily but they didn't give.

"Ohh my both ladies are great, didn't left much work." Sanskar said and both giggling.

Swaragini left and Sanskar sit in front of her.

"Tsk...Tsk. poor! Look at you miss Kavita. In past I just destroy your future but still alive but now you're not going to to live. But not so easy.. you're going to through with same torture daily. Daily hits and shocks." Kavita nods no.

"Please just kill me, don't do this" hearing her plead Sanskar smile.

"But you deserve this. You made my Jaan cry so time to pay" he hold the electric machine and Kavita cried.

"Aaahhh" all can hear her shout but Happy on it.

Sanskar admit her in same hospital where Deep is. Deep already in bad Condition in fact he forget everything just all time dancing like monkey itching his own body and screaming when he gets shocked. In some days Kavita's Condition will be some the black colour of her face is stick as Swaragini used special colour so basically her colour turn in that. All mad people laugh as without eyebrows and hair she's looking so funny. Sanskar did a special thing, he made a tattoo in her forehead 'i'm idiot' which is so funny.

Finally Swasan are happy. Now no one is there. There's life is filling with happiness.

Sanskar hug her from back and nuzzles his nose on her. Swara moan and looking back at him.

"I love you so much Jaan" Sanskar said peak her lips.

"I love you more" Swara said.

Then both capture there's lips showing all the love they had. This is there Happily Ever After. Showing each other love in passionately making love then fall asleep in each other's embrace.



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Hope you enjoy the story. Epilogue will be in next week and also a new story of Swasan.😊😊

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