28) Our baby

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Swara is looking for Sanskar but then hear his voice from balcony

"What??..... okay.... thanks" Sanskar cut the call and turn finding Swara standing there with a questioning look.

"What happened Sanskar?" Swara asked.

"Inspector called me...he said the van in which Kavita was taken to shift from another jail meet with accident. No one is save" Swara gasped in shock.

"You mean all dead" Sanskar nods.

Swara is thinking Kavita and Sanskar notice it...he didn't want her to be stressed so change the topic.

"Did you take your medicine?" Swara bit her lips and nods no. Sanskar get up and give her medicines.

"Swara you're always forget to take medicines. This is not good" Swara smile and hug him...." Because I love when you give me" Sanskar smile hearing her.

Sanskar always take care of Swara and trying to finished his works as fast as he could so that he could spend time with Swara.

Day's passes like this and turns into months......soon Swara entered in her fourth month.

Her baby bump is showing little and her face is glowing in happiness. Sanskar made every arrangements, in fact he starts to shift there's things in downstairs room so when Swara will entered in her fifth months they can shift downstairs as always climbs stairs are not good.

Sanskar in office doing his works suddenly swara's called come, he smile taking the call... nowadays she misses him a lot and always wants him to be his side but his works are important also.

Soon Swara entered in fifth months and both shift in downstairs, in evening Sanskar start to take Swara for walk in garden and in morning they used to go park for fresh air.

"Sanskar ice cream" Sanskar frown, now they're in park and enjoying the sunset view, Children's playing.

"Swara... it's not good you know. Let's go home then you can eat" Swara pout, he newly had some new maids in house for kitchen...they can made all types of foods so whenever Swara had any special demand of something it can be full fill.

"No...I want ice cream from here and that's final" Sanskar sigh, she's becoming so stubborn. And now if he didn't full fill her demand, she will not eat full day. Finally giving up he take her to near Ice cream stall.

"I want strawberry, chocolate, butterscotch and mango" he looking at Swara wide eyes.... really she'll eat all this in one time but the moment he open his mouth to say something, she give him a deathly glare so he just keep shut his mouth.

Taking her four ice cream swara sit in bench and licking four one by one.

"Swara you don't think this is not good"swara again give him a glare and smile widely......"your those useless chief can't made this... because it taste so amazing and different"

"Of course because homemade are good for health and this all not" swara rolled her eyes.

Sanskar laughing seeing all ice cream soon are melting and her face is full of ice cream. He lovely clear her face and kiss her forehead.

In this times AP used to comes and giving swara company and DP help sanskar in office so that Sanskar can be with swara as much he wants.

In mid night swara used to wake up sanskar for eating something and sometimes he made himself or take chiefs helps then take food to swara. She's happy to have sanskar in her life, who never feel irritated or disturb by her all demands.

At night swara is looking at herself in mirror.... it's her eight months and she's making faces because she looks fat.

"Sanskar see I'm become far" sanskar looking at his laptop reply her...."no Jaana you look perfect and chubby like rasgulla" swara smile but then frown as he's still in his laptop.

"No you're lying. You don't love me now as I'm not beautiful"sanskar put his laptop aside and come near swara.

"Of course not, you're my Jaan. I can feel you closing my eyes. How can anyone not love his life" sanskar caressing her cheeks.

"But you don't make love me from last few months" swara pouted.

"Because it's not good, and I care about you and our princess"

"Firstly it is prince and secondly I want you now. Baby is also sad not feeling his papa's love for mumma" sanskar shocked at her demand.

"No... it's not good. Now go and sleep"

"No...no..I want you. I'm right now I'm not beautiful. You don't love me now that's why you're making excuses."swara start her fake crying drama, sanskar chuckle and capture her lips to say rubbish.

Parting away he said...."never say this, my Jaan is beautiful in the world and I love her very much"

"Then make love with her" swara said caressing his hair.

"You sure?" She nods.

Sanskar carefully make her laid down on bed and come over her, not putting his weight on her. Both are kissing each other's passionately and slowly removing all the barriers.

Sanskar entered inside her slowly not hurting her... feeling him after long time she feels so pleasure.

"Yea.....fast...fa..st... Sanskar" she's moaning his name, he doing fastly kissing her and caressing every part of her body. Both reach there's climax together.

After that both fall asleep in each other's embraced.

Today both went to Ragini's home along with AP & DP. Ragini is pregnant and all celebrate there's family get together. Swara in in her ninth month and her delivery date is coming. Sanskar is always with her.

All are eating ice cream after dinner. AP gives advice Ragini and swara smile, she heard all this advice all time, but soon her facial expressions change and shout making all worried and shocked.

"What happened swara?" Sanskar asked in worry.

"Aahhh... it's paining so much...ahh" soon all take swara hospital.

Sanskar is roaming outside of door in tension. DP is making him calm,soon all heard a crying sound of baby.

Nurse comes outside with a baby in her arms..."congratulations,Mrs. Maheswari give birth to a baby girl" all are so happy.

"How's my wife"

"She's fine and soon will shift her in general word then you can meet her" sanskar sigh in relief and looking at his daughter whom nurse take for some medical taste then they will shift baby also with her mother.

Today sanskar is happiest person in life. He had everything now and wish nothing will happen to this happiness.

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