35) Punishment

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Ragini said everything to all and DP, AP are shock to hear all this.

As there plan all tell normally about pest control as AP saw a cockroach. Kavita fell little uneasy about hearing pest control but can't say anything.

All went out for one day and planning to stay in Sanskar mansion. All bomb defusers are entered in disguise of pest controller. They checked every corner but didn't find anything.

Sanskar throw a vase in anger.

"Hell, where they could put it" he just got this call that they didn't find but trying another time.

Sanskar start to think, where can they put the bomb then something struck in his mind. He called them.

Swara wake up, she looks everywhere and remembering everything. She fall asleep crying, but now she's tense what will Deep do. Of course he will angry now.

As accept, suddenly there's a door knock.

"Swara come out now. I know you're there" Swara gulp but she have to come out now.

Deep glare at her the moment she comes out.

"You-" Deep about say something but his phone rings so he left.

"What? How?" Deep is really frustrated hearing the news...the project which in he invested suddenly other investers back out and project get cancelled. It's a big bomb for him, this held so many money... it's the big project ever but now he have to paid more for cancellation. How? It caused a huge loss. He's in Damm tense but suddenly he had another call.

"What? It can't happen. Fuck" He cut the call in anger...the tender he filled also not get this project..but he had full sure he will get so suddenly what happened to this. Now his face becomes pale. He have to pay 20 crores and had loss 80 crores. He's not a big businessman for whom 100 crores is nothing. How he gonna pay 20 crores and if he didn't, he is gonna bankrupt.

He throw a vase in anger which come in front of him.

"How this could happen? Everything is fine till yesterday but now? I can't pay this. I've to think something.. it can't happen noooooo" he sit in frustrated but then again his phone rings and attending the call his eyes get wide.

He's stiffened...he have to pay in 48 hours otherwise all will seal his bank accounts, house everything. How this tragedy happened to him? What will he do now?

"Only 48 hours then Everything will be finished Mr. Deep Khurana. You have to pay for everything. You tired to snatch my Jaan from me. Because of you we separated from a month and more importantly You tried to touch her. You make her cry. Now time for pay back. It's just start" Sanskar smirk thinking all this then saw swara's picture on side place.

"Only 48 hours then Everything will be fine and we will be together with Sara" he smile and caressing her picture.

Swara sigh, as Deep went away for something important. She had a feeling maybe Sanskar did something as judging Deep's face it's looking like he had lost something very important. She smile and thanking Sanskar in mind, unknowingly he save her otherwise she didn't had idea what will Deep do in anger.

Next day, Maheswari's shifted again in there's mansion but they're happy because they success. Kavita is frustrated as Deep is not picking her calls.

She sit in bed irritatingly. She did all to get Sanskar but here Sanskar is still behind Swara. He never come near her. She remembers the day in jail, everytime she get anger. It's all because if Swara that's why she suffer this. And that accident happened, when they're shifting her to another jail. The police really died but she didn't. But when she open her eyes she found herself in Deep's house. She got a fractured in leg and right hand. When she get will Deep said his plan. She's quite impressed... maybe if Sanskar find Swara in her...he will love her. But it never happens. They send a worker in Sanskar's mansion to her every single details about them. It will help in future to being Swara. But Sanskar never believe her.. that's the step of there's plan cancelled.

Now Sanskar find Swara, which is more frustrating her. She said Deep to go away with Swara but now he didn't picking up her calls. She get little shocked to find Deep like Swara, for sure she knows it's not love... maybe just infatuation or lust...like Deep's brother Rajat had. But Kavita manipulate very well that Deep think is love...so easily Deep got mad on Swara and he will never leave her. But here for whom she did all is missing.

Kavita remove the mask of her face and comes out her real face. She's frustrating placing this mask all time but did all for a person who's not caring.

Another day passes and Kavita got a big shocked hearing Deep get bankrupt. She can't understand what's happening. But she get Fear to think is Sanskar in all behind?

Here all are sealing Deep's everything and he's begging to give chance. There's still 5 hour's left but they just seal. Deep tried everything but didn't get any support. It's like everything happens in a strategy.

Then there's Sanskar come having a smirk on his face but his face get red seeing Deep still holding Swara's hand and not leaving.

Swara bit Deep's hand and runs to Sanskar's arms. Swara hug Sanskar tightly, finally they're together.

Deep get angry, now he had no money nothing. So there's no goons he get but he still went to attack Sanskar but he punch him hard.

Deep lying in ground, his nose is bleeding and again Sanskar kick his stomach then punch him.

"You bloody, now you have to pay for everything. You forget what I did with your brother just to touch Swara but you tried so many things. Now think what will happen" Deep get horrified to think what will happen but then 'bomb plan' come his mind.

"Swara tell him to stop otherwise you know" Swara looks at Sanskar but he smirk.

"You don't have to. All bombs are already defused" hearing Sanskar Deep got a shock but his eyes get wide finding some doctors and word boys are coming towards him.

"What? What are you doing?" Deep tried to free himself but they injected him. They take him away.

"Where they take Deep?" Swara asked.

Sanskar smirk..."Mental asylum. He will get great treat there and later I'll do something. Now let's go home Jaan" Swara nods and hug him happily. Both peak there's lips and went to home.

"Aahhhhh" in Asylum Deep's shouts are hearing so loud because of the electric shock he get's. And Sanskar smirk seeing the mms which he ordered to send him.

"Now Deep got his punishment. Soon he will forget his name also. After if ever I want I'll do something to more Deep, personally for sure. Now time for you miss Kavita." Sanskar think and looking at Swara who's smiling happily and looking outside from the window.

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#Guys tell me what punishment you want for Kavita? I'll do.

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