34) Making Plan together

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Swara closed her eyes take a deep breath. She's sitting in Sanskar lap and he's patiently waiting her to tell everything.

"The day I left and meet with accident. It was not a big but then suddenly some men's comes and keep a cloth on my mouth. I fall unconscious and when I open my eyes I'm at a unknown place. Deep blackmailing me if I didn't continue this he will kill our family. I can't loose a family again Sanskar. I can't see if My Sara gets hurt" she hug him tightly and sobs. Sanskar rubbing her back soothing her.

"No Jaan don't cry. I'll handle everything" Swara shook her head.

"No it's not easy. There's are bomb in our mansion and Maheswari too. Only a second will take and I'll lost everything" Sanskar is shock with the news.

He tight his fist to control anger. Then wipe her tears.

"I'll take care of this. I'll not leave Deep" Swara nods and looks at him.

"Sanskar did you kill Rajat?" Sanskar take a deep breath, he knows that Deep told it to swara. He nods yes and her eyes get wide.

"Listen I'm not in the plan to kill him. He touch you and I was so angry. He just can't take some beatings of my guards. But I'm not regretting if someone messed with you or anyone of my family then I'll kill them. And I'm going to do same with Deep" he said sternly. Swara looking at him in wide eyes. She's tried to get up but he hold her waist tightly.

"Sanskar killing someone is not good" she looks at him in unbelievable as he didn't listen her.

"And did you know who's that girl in our house?" Sanskar tried to change topic.

"No. But thank God you didn't believe her otherwise what will happen?" Swara said, he smiled as he successfully make her mind away.

"She's Kavita. I taped Deep's phone and there's I listen them. Both will pay for this dirty game." Sanskar gritted his teeth.

"Sanskar how's Sara? She didn't hurt her na?how she's alive?" Sanskar nods no.

"I made sure she won't come to near Sara. Ragini is there to take care of her. And now for the final plans I've to tell her about Bomb. And about Kavita I don't know how she is still alive " Sanskar said. But she will be dead he thinks.

"Sanskar I'm scared. What if Deep will find out I'm not in mansion. He'll kill-" Sanskar peak her lips to stop her.

"Don't worry he's trap. He'll not come to know. (Then he looks at her sternly) did he touch you" Swara nods no.

"He tried but I'm success to run. He is crazy saying he wants me, loves me." Sanskar hug her tightly.

"Don't worry nothing will happen. I'm with you now. I'll drop you to mansion and you just continue the drama. Then  I'll take you from there." Swara hug him tightly.

They had sometimes with together then Sanskar take her to back door at Deep's place. Swara is shocked, she didn't know this way but Sanskar found just for her. She's little tense still about finding Sanskar can kill someone. But she thinks if she would his place maybe do the same as knowing Sanskar, he can go any extend for his family..For her.

She sighs, now she have to continue this with Deep. She didn't want to stay here in any minute. But she have to till Sanskar do something as he said.

Sanskar comes in mansion and called Ragini with another number, he didn't want to take chance what if they also tapped there's phone. Never think your enemies loser. He also give Ragini another phone. He told Ragini everything.

"What!! I'll kill this Kavita. Last time I throw her but now I'll not leave her. But Bhai are you thinking that they can put bomb seriously?" Ragini said.

"Yes they can. Both are psycho's. You just keep an eye on Kavita. I can't take risk to keep Swara with Deep. He can do anything. But first I've learned where they put the bomb and failed there's plan" Sanskar said.

"Okay Bhai. I'll try to find it. My one friend had a connection with bomb defuser. I guess maybe a pest control in home can be a excuse to find the bomb" Ragini said.

"That's great. I guess it will be good. Tell mom dad Everything. They should be aware of our situation and please don't out Sara in near of that's Kavita. I know she'll definitely harm her" Sanskar said.

"Yes bhai. But we've to do everything fast. Kavita is getting a pain in ass. She's trying to hard acting as Swara. I don't know how she knows everything about us. And she's trying to be near Sara but I keep her away." Ragini said.

"Yes, that's another thing. I guess the maids I hired at the time of swara's pregnancy maybe one of them there's partner who sends information on them" Sanskar said.

"What? Some of them are hear. I've to check on food also..who knows what will mix on it" Ragini said.

"Ragu, you're my smart sister handle there on family. I'll try to get information about Kavita being alive. And send me number of your friends. I'll contact with those bomb defusers and make a plan to entry our home. I don't want they suspicious something" Sanskar said.

"Okay bhai take care of you and swara. I'll take care here of that bitch Kavita. After all this just say me...I want to give some personal punishment to her also" Sanskar smirk and cut the call.

Deep comes next day and as plan Swara keep a gloomy face. Swara at night is sitting on bed and looking at Sanskar photo. She miss him so much. Sanskar said to keep her a phone when he drop her but she refused as Deep keep an eye always. She didn't want anything go wrong.

Suddenly the door open and Deep entered with a smirk, Swara get scared. She's about to leave but he hold her hand and pinned her on wall.

"Oh Swara baby. I'll not leave her." Swara looking at him in horror, she can smell Alcohol.

She pushed hard him and hit him between his legs and runs outside locking the door. She went a guest room and Lock herself. She's crying but thanking Sanskar for teaching her self defense lessons.

She closed her eyes..."Sanskar do something fast" she mummer and sit in corner hugging her knees.

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#I update early as I had write it soon. Next will be Thursday or Friday

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