9) Caring

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The next morning sun rays fall on swara's face through the window.

She blink her eyes and open it. She looking at her surroundings in confusion then she feels a weight on her chest.

She looking at sanskar in horrific face, then all things coming in her mind. She pushed him harshly and sit on bed.

" What the f*uck...how dare you pushed me" sanskar said.

Then he looking at her face, her eyes gets little teary and she's looking at him with hatred. But who Care's.?

Sanskar get up and went towards washroom, swara is sitting on bed and closing her eyes. Some tears fall from her eyes.

Sanskar comes out from washroom and looking at swara.

" Don't you have any other work rather then crying. I'm warning you(coming close to her) stop crying...I didn't like this face." He said.

" Really I thought you love it. That's why you made my life hell" she said bitterly.

Sanskar sit beside her while swara start moving away but he hold her waist and pulled towards him.

" Leave me" she said and trying to loosen his grip.

" You can't (smirking)...and about your face. I really love this face(sensually touching her cheeks). Your attitude...I like all this. That's why you're here Mrs. Maheswari." He said.

" I'm not maheswari. I'm swara Bose" she said.

" No baby...you was. Now you're maheswari my wifey" he said and left her.

Swara left to washroom for fresh and Sanskar get's a call from office so he left and full day he's busy, he forget about her that she didn't had extra clothes.

Another side, Swara is sitting on corner of room crying so much, she didn't had any extra dress so she wear his shirt and pants which she found near..she didn't allowed to go outside. She didn't eat or drink anything. She's just crying and fall asleep on floor.

At late night as usual Sanskar come back and open the door. He saw her sleeping on floor hugging herself.

He runs towards her and patted her cheeks. Her skin is burning. She had high fever. He immediately picked her and made her lie on bed.

He call the doctor and trying to wake up but she didn't open her eyes just crying in sleep.

Sanskar feel so much angry on her and himself both. He cover her fully don't want to her get's more cold also she's shivering. The doctor comes and check her. After giving some medicine and said take care and proper rest, doctor left.

Sanskar order cold water and cloth. He's putting the cloth on her forehead and checking time to time her temperature.

Finally he fall asleep in sitting position. The sun rays fall on swara's face, she opened her eyes and looking at Sanskar who's sleeping in sitting and then looking the cloth, cold water bowl.

" What he's trying to do??..he himself hurt me and then try to act caring me" she thought angrily and looking at him.

The first she saw him...the sun rays are shinning his face. He's looking so innocent in sleep but anyone can say he's a devil who's mask as angel. She saw the devil side and only for this now she's here.

But the question is why he's taking care of her??...if there would be another person maybe she could say he likes or love....but no... never.... he's Sanskar Maheswari. He only lust on her and that's why he married her just because she hurt his ego.

But she's not weak. She's strong. Her mom always teach her to be strong, Don't take anyone advantage of your innocence.

She gritted her teeth to think maybe he's doing all this to get her Confused and want another plan to hurt her. But not now...she already suffer a lot. Now she will not let the devil win. Never.

Sanskar open his eyes and the first thing he did is looking at her. He frown to see her sitting and lost in some thought.

He take the thermometer and put it in her mouth. She looking at him shocked his sudden action. After looking normal temperature he feels satisfied.

The tension he feels last night he can't explain...he can't think anything straight. He didn't care about anything but why the hell he feels so pain seeing her in that condition.

" Don't act...I know you're planning something." Swara said angrily and brought him back.

The thing he's hate most raising voice in front of him...but the more Angry thing is why the hell she's in floor..." What the hell you're doing in floor...and you didn't have food. Are you trying to kill yourself (hold her arms harshly)... so you can't.. I'll never let you die. Be clear it in your mind" he said and jerk her back.

" And I ordered some clothes for you. It will be here in (looking at watch) some minutes...and if you dare again to do all this drama then you will saw the worse me." He said dangerously coming near her.

Swara gulped but tried to be strong..." I'll do anything I want..you can't do anything. And this is all a forcefully marriage. You blackmailing me" she said.

Sanskar smirk..." So you remember the reason right...so don't dare to do this drama again otherwise it will ruin your close one's" he said.

" Please let me go" she said in teary eyes.

" No baby...now you'll be here for your whole life and (hold her waist and went near her ear) ready to tonight. You can't run always." He said huskily. She's looking at him with tearful eyes.

His eyes shows only LUST and her eyes shows only PAIN.

But is that true?? Is that always can be right what we saw??What's behind in there's eyes?? What's there Hidden feelings??..

He left and went washroom. Someone knocked the room. After wipes the tears she opened the door. A maid handover her bags of clothes she take it.

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