19) Kavita's Plan

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After having a great time Swasan entered inside in there's room. Sanskar back hugged her and nuzzles his nose on her neck.

"S..sankkkar" Swara moan little, he bit her earlobe.

Sanskar made her looking at him, she lower her eyelids. He pulled her closer holding her waist. He kissed her forehead, she closed her eyes eyes.

Sanskar kiss her both eyes, then both cheeks. He looking at her eyes and she closed as giving him permission. He capture her lips and both are kissing each other passionately holding each other.

He moves towards bed and made her lie there and comes over her. He kissed her forehead and again capture her lips.

🙈 warning mature 🙈

They're kissing each other with so much passion love.

While kiss his hands roaming on her bare stomach and she's rubbing his neck and hold his hair.

While kissing he opens her back string and roaming his hand on her back sensually.

He's kissing, sucking and biting her both neck and unpinned her Saree. He removed the saree from upper and kisses her cleavage.

He opens her blouse button and take it off. He gives wet kisses on her breast through the last piece of cloth on her upper.

He removed her bra and tressing his hand on her breast making her gasp loud. He capture her right breast and cupping her left breast. He's working perfectly on her both Breast while she's moaning his name in pleasure.

He gives wet kiss on her stomach and caressing it lovingly. She smile at him.

He take of her Saree and underskirt and throw it on floor. He gives sensual kisses on her thighs and core. Swara hold the bed sheets and moaning his name.

Sanskar pulled her pan**e and kiss over there making her moan so much loud. He also take of his clothes and looking at her face.

" I love you" he said and kiss her forehead. She's breathing heavily.." I love you too" she said.

Sanskar again giving her kiss on neck and soon he entered her making her complete. She hold his shoulder and he thrusting her slowly making go inside her all way.

He's thrusting her while sucking her breast. She moaning loudly and hold his hairs.

He's thrusting her harder, deeper, faster while she's screaming his name and moan in pleasure.

He kiss her lips hard and bite it so hard. Soon they comes to climax.


After there made love Sanskar hold her tightly. She placed her head on his chest and hear his heart beat. While Sanskar playing with her long hair. He kissed her temple and hold her tightly. Both fall asleep.

Next morning,

Sanskar is taking bath while Swara made his all necessary things like shirt, Blazer, watch hanky made ready in bed. She went downstairs wants to make special breakfast for him.

Sanskar comes out wrapping a towel on his waist and smile seeing all things his ready. He comes down after get ready and looking at Swara who's serving the plates.

Sanskar hold her from back..."what's need of this. There are so many servants" Swara blushing and turn towards him holding his neck.

"I know but I love to make it for you" Sanskar kiss her cheeks and she blush more.

Both sit and Sanskar take a plate and put all food there, Swara looking at him confusion.

"We should eat together what say?" Saying he feed her the poha(a Indian food) in his hand. Swara smile so happily. She also feed him.

Both finished there's breakfast feeding each other and chit-chat.

After kissing her forehead Sanskar left for office. Swara went near bed and close her eyes. She feels so happy but scared as her happiness always snatch away from her but this time she didn't want it from God. She just hope everything is will be fine like this forever.

In office,

Sanskar is busy in some files when his cabin door open suddenly making him so angry.

"What the hell??.. don't-" but he stop seeing the person.

"What are you doing here?" Sanskar asked calmly.

Kavita sit in front of him and showing her crocodile tears 😒...."Sanskar why you're avoiding me huhh??..and you marry someone why?" Sanskar frown.

"I guess your friend and my sister told you how much I'm happy in my married life so it will be better please leave" Kavita glare at him and stand up angrily.

"It's enough Sanskar. What happened some months ago we used to love each other's" Sanskar rolled his eyes.

"We both very well know the answer I'm with you because it will be suitable for my reputation but never love you-" Kavita cut him.

"So what happened now?"

"Now... I'm in love and I love my wife very much so stop calling me again and again. You're Ragini's best friend that's why I'm talking to you otherwise I'll throw you 10 minutes ago when you come here" Kavita smirk.

" But what about this" she give him a file angrily.

Sanskar frown and open the file. His eyes get wide open. He looks at Kavita in shock.

"I'm calling you only for this but you're too busy. Now don't say it's all wrong. You also know it can be possible" Sanskar looking at her in shock.

Kavita comes near him and hold his hand..."Please Sanskar give that girl divorce and marry me. I love you so much and it's (she placed his hand on her belly) our baby. Our symbol of love. Not for me but for the sake of this baby marry me Sanskar. What will I do without you?" Sanskar is just shocked. He didn't understand what he should say or do.

Kavita hug him and cried 😒..."please Sanskar I love you. Your baby needs you. Please do divorce to swara and marry me. Please" Sanskar just all in shock.

What should Sanky do now??

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