27) Raglak Wedding

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Sangeet function is also finished and tomorrow is haldi, so Raglak can't meet.

Raglak are now in kitchen talking last time, as now they're gonna meet directly in marriage.

Swara is about to enter kitchen for drinking juice but seeing them she mummer 'sorry' and about to left.

"Swara" hearing her name she stopped and looking at them confused.

"Swara we want to talk to you" Laksh said and both comes near her.

"Swara I'm sorry for what happened. My behavior towards you, we're going to start a new life and for this it's very important." Ragini said.

"Yes Swara, after that forceful marriage I'm so frustrated and then the accident of my parents. I just blame you for everything and treat you so ill. I'm also forget that for you this is also a forceful marriage" Laksh said.

"And I'm in so much love with Laksh that hearing the news you marry him. I'm so angry with you. And when Kavita said she's pregnant...i-i don't know but I just wanted to Sanskar Bhai marry her and live with there's child but she lied all, she used me in this. But now I understand Bhai loves you so much. Please forgave us Swara" Ragini said.

"Yes Swara, we did very wrong" Laksh said.

"I don't know... it's not easy to hurt someone and then just say sorry and the person will forget everything, Ragini I forgave you one time and think you as a friend but you betray me, though I'm happy with Sanskar but still....I can't forget everything so easily. But maybe one day I can so please just give me time and I wish happy married life for both of you" saying Swara left from there leaving guilty Raglak.

All are applying haldi on Ragini who's smiling brightly today. She's wearing a beautiful yellow saree with accessories of flower.

Swara is wearing a red and yellow combination saree, looking so cute. She also applied haldi giving a little smile to her.

After haldi all Went there's room and swara entered her room.

Swara started to wash her hands where haldi is, but then suddenly someone back hug her. She smile knowing who is he.

Sanskar take water and start cleaning her hands and face looking her intensely. After cleaning he kiss her lips softly biting her lower lips, he moves. Swara blush and hug Sanskar.

Time pass and today is Marrige. Swara is in her room getting ready and Ragini with AP and beautician.

Sanskar gets mesmerized how beautiful she's looking in this lahenga and light make up.

"Well now the dress is looking perfect because you wear it" Swara blush hearing his comment and looking at him

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"Well now the dress is looking perfect because you wear it" Swara blush hearing his comment and looking at him.

"Well now the dress is looking perfect because you wear it" Swara blush hearing his comment and looking at him

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"Not bad Mr. Maheswari" Swara said, how this man is looking always hot & handsome..who knows.

Sanskar back hug her, resting his chin on her neck take her smell.

"Sanskar what are you doing?? Act like your name!" Swara said.

"Name?" He said in confusion.

"I mean behave like Sanskakri.. which is your name." Seeing his face expression Swara burst out in laughing.

"Ha ha..very funny" he make faces but then admire her laughing face, her laughing sounds is like Music to her.

He pulled her near holding her waist, capture her lips. She's shocked with his sudden action but then also kiss him back with equal intensity.

Soon the groom in comes and AP done his aarti.

Soon the groom in comes and AP done his aarti

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Laksh sit in mandap and that time Ragini comes looking so beautiful, both Raglak looks at each other

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Laksh sit in mandap and that time Ragini comes looking so beautiful, both Raglak looks at each other. Then the Marriage rituals gets start and swara looking all this, her dreams of marry like this didn't full fill but, the husband she wants she gets more then this.

"We will marry like this on our anniversary" Swara smile Shyly hearing him. Sanskar who looking at Swara all time notice what exactly she's looking, he understand and she's his Jaan so her every wish gets full fill it's his wish also.

Finally Laksh adored Ragini's neck by holy chain and vermilion in her hair. Then priest declared them to as a husband and wife.

Raglak take elder's blessings. Sanskar and Ragini exchange a hug.

"If he tease you complain me. I'll see him" Sanskar said, all laugh hearing them.

In bidai Ragini, AP cried a lot. Swara also hug Ragini. Then finally Ragini left with Laksh. Swara hug AP and console her.

All left to there's room in night. After gets all tired all sleep peacefully.

Next day Swasan didn't go as Ragini will be comes to pakphera.

Ragini comes in morning and all enjoy, though Swara made a little distence with Ragini but no one notice all this, Swasan, Raglak with AP and DP all went to restaurant having a family dinner.

Everyone enjoy so much and finally all left to there's home.

Finally Swara comes to her home... being all time with Sanskar alone it's made a habit of her and now she feels relax. Both change there's clothes and laid in bed.

"Good night" Sanskar said and kiss her forehead, hugging her...'good night' she mummer and fall asleep soon because of tiredness.

The new day is new start of there's life. Sanskar go with Swara to check up on hospital and hearing everything is fine both are happy.

In ultrasound, hearing the heart beat sounds of the baby both Swasan have a bright smile on face.

"Our baby" Swara said and Sanskar nods.

Swara looks at Sanskar who have tear in his eyes of happiness. Doctor left and Sanskar help her to come down from stretcher. Swara hug him and kiss his cheek.

"Thank you Sanskar for everything. Our baby (looking at her womb) " Sanskar also kiss her cheeks.

"No thanks to you for made me better person and having now my own beautiful family. It's all like a dream. Love you Soo much my Jaan." Swara smile hearing him.

"Love you too" Swara said, both comes out and thanks doctor then takes the reports and left for home.

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