21) You're mine

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Swara is shocked to hear the word 'divorce'. Some minutes ago she's happy with her life but all shuttered again. Tears are falling from her eyes and she looks towards Kavita who gives her a disgusting look.

Divorce is not a new word for her but she and Laksh didn't share any relationship not even a friend. But now she's fall for Sanskar so hard. The thinking of a life without him is more like a Death to her.

"I know a bitch like you will never care, but soon Bhai will leave you when he get bored I know it...and about(looking at Kavita) her baby Bhai have to accept it" saying Ragini hold Kavita's hand and left from there.

Swara with a 'thud' sit on floor, she's in pain..a deep pain in her heart but she's confused what to do?..she didn't want to leave Sanskar but how could she can survive a unborn baby just because of her? She can't be selfish but what about her life?..her Love?

Full day she's pale sitting near window in there's room looking at sky.

At night, the door opens and Sanskar entered. He frown seeing darkness and sitting her at corner.

He went near her and hold her waist from back sit beside her. Feeling him, tears made her way and she looks back.

Sanskar is shocked seeing her in tears. Swara hugs him tightly not wanting to loose her and crying hard.

"Swara what happened?" He asked twice but she's in no mood to answer him, she wants to crying now.

Sanskar sigh and caressing her head, kissing her temple tried to make her calm. Her tears is something which made him hell worried and he could kill the person who's behind her tears.

After a long time she stop crying and break the hug looking his eyes, her eyes and nose are because of crying full day.

She's sobbing looking at him.  He wipes her tears so lovingly that she feels like she's in some another world.

"I can't leave without you. You're mine" saying she again hug him.

Ragini's words running in her mind what if Sanskar leave her for his baby?..but her heart is not believing that Sanskar had a baby?..maybe all is lie but the fear is killing her. She already lost everything. Now only had Sanskar, and if she will lost him..the damages will be beyond repair.

Sanskar cups his face.."I'll never leave you jaan. Don't you know how much I love you?" Swara nods cutely and hold his hand.

"But your baby?" Swara bit her lips.. she didn't want to say that word. She's just praying all will be a fat lie.

Sanskar raised his eye brows in confusion soon his face change into anger..."who comes here?" He asked calmly as not wanting to shout in front of her but inside want to kill that girl.

"Ragini and her--her friend Kavita" Swara said, her sobs still didn't stop.

Sanskar waved his hands between his hair trying to calm himself and cursing under his breath.

"Did she was your girlfriend?" Her voice comes out as a whisper, she knows the reputation of Sanskar Maheswari so it's common that she's his girlfriend.

Sanskar pulled her in his lap and made her looking at him..."yess she was my girlfriend because it suits my profile as she is a model but trust me jaan I only love you and about this child__" he paused because at now he himself didn't know what to say.

Swara looking at him tearful eyes.."for me I can't destroy a unborn child's life. I'll always be with you and oblige your decision if it will be divo-" before she complete the word Sanskar capture her lips showing his love and passion towards her.

She's shocked at first with sudden but soon response back holding him tightly.

After about 15 minutes they broke there passionate kiss, breathing heavily looking at each other's eyes, resting there's forehead.

"Dare if you say that word. If you ever think of leaving me, I promise I'll lock you in my room, tied your legs. Then you'll never able to left" Swara frown hear him.

"I'm scared. You're only mine now in this world. How could I leave" Sanskar kiss her cheeks.

"You don't have to think all this, I'll manage and about that baby..I very well know that Kavita and her acting skills so soon I'll find out." Swara nods but still tense.

"What if she's telling the truth and the baby is URS?" Sanskar looking at the wall for a minute thinking something deeply and every second made Swara's heart beat fast.

"Don't worry, I don't think so" he kiss her nose.

"But what-" her words cut as he again capture her lips, nibbling her lower lip. She bit his lips and put her tongue inside his mouth. Sanskar smirk between the kiss seeing her dominating kiss. He hold her waist tightly and kiss her hard sucking her tongue.

Both break due to need of oxygen and looking at each other's with desire filled eyes.

"Let's have dinner, then something naughty" he said smirking making her blush. He smile seeing her smiling face.

"And don't worry...no one can separate us. We're made for each other. Swasan forever. So stop worrying" he left towards washroom.

Swara take a relief but still had little tensed of the future.

Both had dinner with feeding each other and Sanskar scolding why she didn't eat full day. Swara loves the way Sanskar taking her care all time.

After finishing dinner both come in room holding each other's hand. The moment door close he take her in another kiss which leads there love making full night's where only can hear there's moaning and groaning in pleasure.

Both slept in each other's embrace sharing a kiss, forgetting whatever happens full day, forgetting about all things. Just remember two things... Sanskar is swara's and Swara is Sanskar's.

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