8) First Night

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Swara is sitting in sofa and crying on her fate now she again tied with this f**king relationship. But now what can she do?

Then the room door open and here the devil entered with a smirking on his face.

Swara is standing and looking at him horribly. Sanskar is coming near her and then sit in sofa looking at her.

Swara is standing in a room and crying so much.

Sanskar is sitting in front of her looking at her smirking.

" Finally you're mine" he said making her more crying..he get up and comes near her while she's moving back.

" Don't come near me" she's saying but he didn't stop.

" Why now I'm your dearest husband" he said with smirk.

Swara looking at him with angry teary eyes then starting throwing all things in room. First pillow then all vase, lamp.

Sanskar looking at her in look..'is she gonna mad'

" Come near and I'll kill you...you bloody blackmailing me and done this shit marriage" she shouted at him.

He hold her hand tightly and pinned her nearest Wall.

" Leave me you bloody moron" she said angrily.

" Oww Baby...your this attitude I just going crazy. You know first I thought to just use you but how can I leave this beauty so soon...I want you all time in front of me." He said coming closer her neck.

She can feel his hot Breath on her neck and her eyes get wide when she feels he's kissing on her neck.

She started more struggling..." No.. please leave me... please" she's shouting but her words stop because he's capture her lips.

The kiss is full of lust, Desire and so intimidating. She didn't let him allowed to enter in her mouth. He's kissing her with so much harder it's so though to stop him and pushed him away or free from his tight grip.

Tears continuously falling from her eyes, but the person is in front of her is not stopping.

Sanskar feel so much irritated as she's not allowed to enter in her mouth. He pinch on her waist so hard, she gasped.

He take this moment and entered his tongue in her and taste every corner of her mouth. He's kissing her like an hungry animal and she's his prayer now.

Without breaking the kiss he's moving with her near the bed and pushed her on bed.

" NO... I'll kill you. You can't do this" she said and moving back but he hold her legs and pulled her near him and come over her.

She's struggling too much to free herself  and pushed him but he's smirking at her, she is giving him deathly glares. He buried his face on her neck and starting giving her love bites there.

Her sobbing sounds are increasing so much. He started unzipped her kurti and her eyes popped out.

" No..." She's shouting and tried to push him but he holds both hand and start kissing, biting her on neck, shoulder.

"Please don't do this" she said being tired and crying so much.

Sanskar looking at her face and looking at her black eyes which is filled with tears. Her face are looking so pale and she's continuously crying so much.

" Don't worry Wifey, not today but Don't think I'll leave you next time" he said and kiss her lips and left from there.

Swara immediately get up and zipped her Kurti and crying so much...why all time this is happening with her. Whenever she thinks everything is going to all right then again all this happened.

Her messed up life....she tried hard and made it perfect but just for 15 days now again she's in all this shit. But he's more dangerous.

She can't let him play with her. All are already made her so much suffer but now he. What he thinks of himself. She's so confused why he made this marriage, what is her fault an all.

Another side, Sanskar is sitting in bar counter and drinking alcohol. He's looking at his glass and lost in deep thoughts.

He just wants her...he just lust in her so why the hell he left today. What made him stop doing this. Why can't he control her. And he's angry in himself why he STOPPED.

He wants her right so what's the problem..now she is his. She will be here as his prisoner but why he didn't happy.

But one thing is made her happy, that he married her. He really didn't think this but when he remembers all her insult, he wants to punish her more so he thought to marry but is the only reason??

When he blackmailing her and she's crying...why he closed his laptop..
He should be happy to seeing her like this but what's wrong with him??

He's not being the Sanskar which he's. He made himself this a long before but what is changing he himself didn't understand.

One thing is sure he's lust after her but was it only lust??..or there's another.... attraction?? But how much attraction..

He knows very well she's different from other girls, when he's gets all information about her for a moment he wants to kill her so called Dadi but why??

Why he is behaving like this??...he wants to hurt her but not feeling good when she's hurt. Her tears made something changes inside her. But what's this.

He didn't understand what exactly he wants just pleasure from her or broke her. But he didn't available to do also.

He broke the glass feeling so much frustrated on himself.

He comes at room thinking he can't be changed but then stop looking at Swara, she's sleeping sitting position, hugging her knees. Her face looks so pale...her nose is red due to crying.

He slowly make her lying properly didn't disturb her sleeping then sleep beside her pulled her close himself. Her scant made him like he's in heaven. He closed his eyes and fall asleep holding her in his embrace.

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