4) Swara's new life

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Scene opens at a small house... Swara standing outside and smiling.

It's gonna be her new home. She smiled and entered in house. It's beautiful enough for her.

Finally she got her life back. She placed her parents picture in table and seeing them with teary eyes.

"Dadi please I don't want to marry please Dadi" she said  to tejasswi her Dadi but she forced her to marry.

They're coming after marriage but then the sudden accident happened.

Everyone who show love towards her, they died. But now she have to live for herself.

She cleaned her house and After Making light food. She fall asleep.

She's sleeping but suddenly her phone rings..."who the hell is this time?" She said in sleep then looking at caller ID.

It's a unknown number. she gets confused who can call her this time. She sit up and picked the call.

" Hello who's this?" She said.

" Hi baby, forget me?" Said from opposite line... swara's eyes get wide in shock heard the voice, it's Sanskar..'how did he get my number' she thought.

" Well, getting your number is so easy" he said making her more shocked, how could he Knows what she thinks.

" Your mind is so little, is not tough to know what's going on there" he said.

" Listen Mr. Maheswari, if you again disturb me then I'll call the police. Go to hell" she said and cut the call.

Sanskar looking at phone in anger how dare she cut his call. No one Dare this and this little girl cut Sanskar Maheswari called.

" Get lost from here now" he shouted the girl who's sleeping besides her.

The girl wear her clothes and left from there.

Sanskar's eyes are red in anger now making this girl his becomes his one and only aim.

The first Girl who reject him, who didn't fall in his charm and handsome body.

"Swara Bose, just wait and watch" he said in anger.

Next day is the first day of swara's new work, she will going to work under Mr. Sahil khurana.

Swara's di kavya is talked to her friend and she talked to her brother and he is ready to give chance Swara.

Sahil is talking to her and teaching her everything and as a brilliant student Swara she learned many things in 1 day.

" I must say you are very talented, shuriti is right. You're talented as kavya. I meet her sometime when she comes our home for group study" Sahil said.

" Thanks, and yeah di is really talented" swara said.

She's happy with this new settings and all respect in her Life and now she will not allowed anyone to snatch it from me.

She's working when suddenly a boy comes in front of her.

" Hi....new here?" The boy said.

She's looking at him, thinking talking with him or not but she is going to work here so she have to be friendly.

" Yes. I'm" she said.

" Hi, I'm Rajat...Rajat Rathore" the boy said and extend his hand towards her.

Swara also shake her hand with him..." I'm Swara Bose" she said.

But the way he's holding her hand she feels little uncomfortable so she just ignore other's conversation, starting concentrate on her work.

Full day went like this, it can be boring but for her it's best. She feels so relax but she's unaware of the things that some pair of eyes follow her everywhere.

She entered in home but she felt something different but what can be it. She saw full house but there's nothing suspicious.

She snapped the thoughts and After gets fresh she cooked for herself and eat.

The two pair of eyes watching her through the laptop. He's following her Every moves and smirk.

Swara sitting in her bed in her night dress...a shots and a shirt...but she feel little weird like someone watching her but there's no one.

The person who's watching her through the laptop, seeing her in shots he tighten his fist to control himself.

He take a deep breath and again start looking at her.. she's reading a book and lost in her own world.

The person closed the laptop not wanting to see more as he's loosing his control.

He's Sanskar.

He set all camera in her house, he wants to see her every time. To be updated what she's doing.

When swara left from her home...he called his PA Atul and said him to settle all camera. His men's are following her every where.

" You will be mine soon." he said smirking.

Next day as usual, Swara aftter getting ready she's about to leave when she saw a car is standing outside in her home.

Anger rise in her seeing Sanskar Maheswari there. She gritted her teeth and tight her fist.

" What the hell are you doing here" she said angrily.

Sanskar looking at her head to toe and smirking, feeling his Lustful look she feels disgusting.

Swara about to go because she knows talking with him is a just waste of time. But he pulled her and she crushed in his stone hard chest. Sanskar groan inside. Only he knows how much he wants her right now.

" Leave me you idiot" she shout.

Hearing 'idiot' word he glaring at her..." Don't try to taste my patience. I'm just here to tell you.... accept my deal. Just be with me for one night I can give you any amo-" before he finished his words a  tight slap place his face.

He touch his cheeks where she slap.

" How dare you to say this?? You're a bloody horny bustard. And set it in your mind that I'm not type of those girls who're dying for you. I HATE YOU and get lost" she said and left behind a angry Sanskar.

" You will regret for this" he said loud.

Swara who's just walk some step heard this she turned back..." Never Mr. Maheswari. You'll gonna be loose this time" she said and left.

Sanskar is standing smirking in evil way.." now time to play" he said to himself.

How's that chappy??

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