24) Truth comes out

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Sanskar is standing in the park where Kavita called him to meet her but here she's no where.

Sanskar looking at the watch angrily as she's wasting his time. Then after 10-15 minutes finally Kavita comes with a smiling, seductive face and wearing a short dress.

"Miss me?" Sanskar give her a glare which made Kavita angry, that here she's trying to get him but he didn't give a glance how she's ready for him.

"Don't waste my time and tell me for what you're here?"

Kavita take a deep breath, take out a file inside her bag and give it to Sanskar.

Sanskar looking at the file were her pregnancy positive reports there from how months she's pregnant then another report where the DNA tests require which is positive.

"How did you get my blood?" Sanskar said shockingly.

"Last week when you went hospital for your regular check up, Ragini asked the doctor to take a DNA tests with it AS YOU'RE NOT READY TO BELIEVE ME" Kavita said angrily last part.

Sanskar chuckled.."huhh you think I'll now believe you that you didn't change the reports?" Kavita angrily looking at Sanskar.

"Look at the months how long I'm pregnant and tried to remember something past when we went for a party and you're drunk then we made love each"

Sanskar looking at her shock.."I didn't remember what happened that's night so I'm still not going to believe you"

Kavita hold his collar.." Mr. Sanskar Maheswari stop denied again and again you yourself also know that you're father of my child so marry me before I spread this news in Media and yours reputation fall..'Married CEO of Maheswari company Sanskar Maheswari is going to be a father of his ex girlfriend'..I hope you didn't want it?" Kavita left him.

"What you want huhh marry you? Okay fine but Don't you dare to make a stupid news otherwise I'll (dangerously) not leave you, never messed up with me" Sanskar left from there.

Kavita stand there smirk..."oh Sanskar I really want you to not leave me. Now you'll leave that behenji Swara. Finally I'll have my Sanskar" Kavita smile happily then called someone.

Sanskar comes back and swara wake up that time, seeing Sanskar back she comes to him and hug him..."where you went leaving me, I'm so tense not seeing you around"

Sanskar hug her and rubbing her back..."Jaan don't take tension it's just a important work" Swara break the hug.

"I don't know what happened but seeing you not around I feel scared. Don't go like this" Swara said all this so cutely, Sanskar kiss her cheeks..."you looking so cute" Swara blushed.

Sanskar cups her cheeks and kissed her lips, after sometime both broke the kiss. Both smile looking at each other.

At night Swara is sleeping hugging him and he's caressing her hair looking at her, he's tense for Swara and he's confused to what to do?..he can't leave swara...and Kavita is now blackmailing him knowing how his reputation, business is important.

Meantime his phone rings and he cut it immediately not wanting to disturb her sleep. He slowly remove her hand and went balcony taking his phone.

"Hello" Sanskar said and opposite person said something making him smirk.

"Okay" Sanskar said and cut the call.

Next day he comes at Cafe where Kavita is sitting with smiling face and Sanskar smirk.

"So you said that behenji about divorce" Kavita said and hearing 'behenji' Sanskar want to slap her but he control himself and sit.

"Well as I said before I'm not going to give Swara divorce ever (Kavita give a angry look and about to say something but Sanskar continue)..and about you said that night when I drunk...let me show you something" saying Sanskar take out his phone and show her a video.

Kavita's eyes get wide as in video that night which she claims to that both had sex, and in video is clear Sanskar is drunk and he get unconscious so there's no chance that something happens between them.

Kavita gulp and looking at Sanskar who's smirking at her.

"So how's that video?? Did you like it?" Kavita looks down thinking what now she could said.

"So Miss Kavita stop your drama and about the reports I've found out that you're not pregnant" Kavita looking at him shocked.

"And about your helper that Deep khurana.. just send a message from mine that Sanskar Maheswari never loose" saying he get up and about to leave but then again turn towards her......"and now you should leave from here forever before I could send you jail."

Kavita runs behind him and hold his hand before he went inside the car..."Sanskar please I did all this because I love you and I can't live would you. Look at me I'm perfect and what you saw in that Swara?" Sanskar jerk her hand.

"Don't dare to touch me..I said all this to Ragini and I hope she already packed your all luggage so you can go. Good bye" he left leaving a angry Kavita.

Kavita went to Maheswari mansion where she found her luggage is already is outside and Ragini is standing there with angry face.

Ragini comes near to her and slapped her hard making her finger print on cheeks.

"You b***** bi*** you lying to me and make me against my brother and how fool I'm to believe you. Bhai told me everything and you know i just wants happiness for my brother so now I accept Swara, I guess she's better than you. SO JUST GET THE F*** OUT OF MY HOUSE AND NEVER SHOW YOUR DIRTY FACE US" saying Ragini close the door.

Kavita left feeling so insult and angry on Ragini and Sanskar.

Before entering in taxi she looks at Maheswari mansion last..." I'll be back again and swara because of you Sanskar reject me, I'll never live you happy. If Sanskar is not mine than he can't be yours also. I'll not leave any of Maheswari and this is my promise" saying Kavita left in taxi.

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