29) You're not my Swara

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Sanskar give the baby in swara's arms. Swara smile seeing her baby, her eyes got filled with tears.

"Sanskar see our baby" she said looking at the features of the baby.

"Yes... look I win. Our princess" Swara smile looking at him. Sanskar give a kiss on forehead  and mummer 'thank you'.

Soon all entered and enjoying seeing the baby.

After some check up next day Swasan comes there home.

Swara entered the room which Sanskar made special from his princess. He didn't let Swara to enter, it's first time Swara comes.

Swara gasped seeing the room filled with toys, royal pink walls.

"Sanskar she can't stay here now, she's small"

"Yes I know Jaan, and this room is not still complete." Swara looking at him wide eyes, she shake her head understand that he's going to spoil her baby.

Both take care of the new baby together. At night Sanskar also used to get up and help Swara, she feels so happy to be with him.

Fifteen days later,

"Sanskar I know she's your princess but she needs a name. When you'll place the naming ceremony" Swara pout. She's talking about naming ceremony from two days but according to him, his princess is so delicate that having that much crowded will not good.


"No. Mom (AP) said tomorrow is good day and she talk to priest. I want to her naming ceremony"

"What?? You and Mom all planned without asking me? I will gonna called doctor is this okay for her health or not. You're so careless" Swara mouth hung open hearing him.

"Aww. You're so mean. Now you don't love me" Swara pout looking away.

Sanskar sit beside her and hugging her, Swara tried to push him but he didn't leave her.

"How could you say this. I'm madly love with you. I can feel you closing my eyes. You're my Jaan" Swara blush hearing him, he's giving kisses on her neck.

"Aauuuaaa" hearing crying sounds both parted and laugh.

"Your princess didn't like to her mumma with her papa" Sanskar kiss his princess's and Swara's forehead then left for office.

At evening, Sanskar comes with doctor which Swara shocked. He's really mad about his princess.

Next day naming ceremony held on Swasan mansion. AP, DP, Raglak comes. Priest announced to say the name of baby.

"Swara Sanskar did you both decided a name?" DP asked.

"Yes" Swara said.

"She will be our princess Sara Sanskar Maheswari" Sanskar said and kiss Sara's forehead. All smile hearing the name. Swasan look each other's and remember there's last night conversation when they decided the name.


"Sanskar we should take a name in which both our names will be but I didn't understand" Sanskar looking at the paper Swara had in which she's writing names.

"Hmm..so my Jaan is confused. Let me help her" he take her in his laps and kiss her cheeks.

"So what about Sara?? Sanskar's SA and Swara's RA??" Swara smile widely.

"Yes. That's great I love you" Swara said giving a peak on his lips.

"Ahha...I want my gift" saying he's about to kiss her lips but baby cried sudden made both smile.

Flashback End

"Well my gift is still pending" Sanskar whisper in her ear when all are busy playing with Sara.

Swara looking all and sigh seeing them busy.

"Why not Mr. Maheswari" Swara give a wink shocking Sanskar.

1 year leap.

It's birthday of Sara. All are enjoying the grand party which Sanskar throw. The life is filling with happiness for them there's no problem, nothing. Swasan are having a great time with Sara. The perfect Family.

Ragini delivered a baby boy name Raksh Garodia.

They cut the cake and feed each other.

At night party get finished.

In Swasan room Swasan are sleeping each other's arms. He's caressing her bare back. Sara is in her crib.

"Swara, I love you. Thanks for coming in my life. Forgave my all mistakes. My life is perfect now." He kissed her forehead.

"My life is also nothing before you come, thanks for making me special. I love you so much" both fall asleep in each other's arms.

Next day Sanskar in his office but he can't concentrate. He himself don't know why he's feeling like that something is going to happen. Shrugging all negative thoughts he continues works.

Swara left towards Maheswari Mansion as AP wants to meet Sara and her health is also not well.

Swara AP and Sara having a great time then her phone rings.

"Yes.... okay.... today... okay I'm coming" Swara cut the call , where AP looks at her confusedly.

"Mom I've to go but I'll be back in 2 hour please take care of Sara. Actually we ordered a new baby bed as she's growing up. The manager said today it's ready so I've to go. Don't worry I'll be back" Swara Left kissing Sara's head and give a hug to Ap.

Time passes but Swara didn't come and her phone is also switch off, hear Sara start crying. AP called Sanskar and told him the matter. Sanskar is also feeling negative and hearing this he left to find Swara.

Soon he find her news and get shocked. Swara meet a accident and her condition is very critical.

All left to hospital. In home Ragini is taking care both of Raksh and Sara.

"Because the car blast, her face is get damage. We need to do plastic surgery. Please sign the papers." Sanskar is in shock hearing all this.

The operation is going. After many hours doctor comes out.

"Congratulations Mr. Maheswari operation is successful. Your wife is fine now. We need to take her special care now. In there days the bandage of her face will be removed"

All happy as now Swara is okay. But Sanskar didn't feel like happy, he's not feeling like Swara is near him.

Then the day comes  when Swara's bandage are opened.

All get shocked to see swara's face.

"No. You're Not My Swara." Sanskar shout and left from there. All are tense looking at Sanskar leaving and Swara's sad teary face. She looking at herself in mirror and shock.

 She looking at herself in mirror and shock

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"It's not my face. No" Swara shouted and throw all things in anger. Doctor give her injection to clam her.

In outside Sanskar is sit in his car, he's not understanding what to do?.

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