33) Kidnapping Own Wife

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Deep is out for a important project just some Miles away. He wants to take Swara but she's so stubborn not to understand easy. But it's important so Deep left.

He's about to back but then something happens. His car broke down and road also get closed due some issue. He feels so frustrated as it take at least two days. His phone had no network. He stuck s stupid area.

Unknown of the real fact it all planned by The Sanskar Maheswari. He smirk as his works done. Now time to kidnapping his own wife.

But how? Swara didn't come out of mansion. He himself changed his get up and entered in mansion. After so much trouble he finally entered in corridor. He searching for swara's room.

Finally his searching complete. His beating heart are telling this is swara's room. He entered and smile. Swara is sleeping but her face is pale. Dried tear marks are visible. He feels angry to think his Jaan is crying through he didn't know the reason.

He put the hanky on swara's mouth. Swara struggling a little before closing her eyes again. Chloroform work and now Sanskar have to carry her out.

He managed and comes outside where his driver are waiting.

"Swara I'll make you understand that you're my wife. Then we will go together" he hugged Swara and take her far.

Swara open her eyes feeling a headache. She feels a hand in her waist. For a second she gets scared what if Deep tried to come near her, but seeing Sanskar hugging her like baby she smile.

Sanskar's pale face now shinning feeling his Swara near him. He sleeps peacefully after a month. Swara smile with teary eyes. But then her eyes get wide, how she comes here? What if Deep Find out Swara being with Sanskar? They'll kill her family. She sit with jerk.

Sanskar get up with sudden jerk.

"Swara, I sleep after a long time. What happens?' his voice is sleepy. No matter how much Swara wanted to be with him but thinking about there's families life...Swara can't be Swara now.

"What the hell I'm doing here? You kidnap me?" Swara shouted.

Sanskar smile and nods in yes.

Swara get up and tried to open the door but it locked.

"Open the door Mr. Maheswari. I'm warning you. I'm not your wife Swara. I'm Arohi, Please understand and let me go. Deep will be waiting for me" Swara said, sometimes we have to do the works we hate most.

Sanskar get angry hearing Deep's name.

"No you're my Swara. My Jaan and I'll not let you go. You'll be here with me. I'll make you remember everything" Sanskar said and holding her hand taking her towards cupboard. He takes out all there's picture and give swara.

Swara smile inside seeing all those Happy moments but sad as she can't express anything. Closing her eyes she just throw all pictures on bed again went to near door.

"Please help someone. Please" Swara shouted.

"There's no one. Here only you and me" Swara looks at Sanskar in horror. Yes he can do this she knows it but she's frustrated to think what will Deep do to there's family. He can destroy everything just a second. Just one click and everything finished.

Tears rolled down from her eyes he wipes it.

"Swara please try to remember everything. Look at me. I'm your Sanskar your love. I love you. Our daughter Sara is waiting for her mumma. We needs you. Please Jaan trying to remember." Swara's heart broke seeing Sanskar in tears but now what she'll do? Will she tells Sanskar everything? But they warn her not to tell true! She's in mental fight to what do?

"Don't cry please. I can't see you in crying. I just want you smile always. I love you" he rest his forehead to her. She gets relax seeing his State. How could she saw him in sad, she also loves him.

Sanskar hold her hand and make her sit in bed. "Just take a bath and get ready. I'll prepare your favorite breakfast" Sanskar is happy as Swara listen him.

Swara is tired of doing this memory loss act. She wants to say but scared but now more..... what will happen when Deep found out. She's getting panic thinking about her family's safety.

Swara comes out and looks those photos...she smiles seeing them. At the moment Sanskar entered room slowly and shocked to see Swara smiling seeing pictures.

"Swara" he called her name. For a moment Swara froze but she mask her face and placed all pictures away and sit in sofa.

Sanskar placed the breakfast in front of table near sofa and sit beside her. Her stomach growling seeing the food. Sanskar chuckled and swara feel embarrassed. Swara take the breakfast silently and thinking what to do?

Sanskar also observed her every expression, he feels like Swara remember everything for a moment. He noticed her change expression but how he would prove. He smirked as a idea comes in his mind.

"Look I finished the breakfast now please let me go. Deep must be waiting for me. I need to go home. Please" Swara plead, she didn't have options either because she noticed outside through the window and it was forest. And knowing Sanskar she understand he take her some far place.

"NO" he shouted.

"Deep...Deep...Deep stop chanting his name. Your Sanskar is here. I'll not let that bloody asshole coming close to you. I'll kill him."

"Listen Mr. Maheswari you can't keep me here against my will" Swara said he in same angry voice.

"Yes I can I'm your husband. I'll do anything to keep you with me. If for that I've to hurt myself" Sanskar said and hold the knife put it on his wrist.

"Sanskar what are you doing?" She said in panic.

"Easy your work. You can go from here to that Deep if I die. Then there'll be no one who stop you" he pressed little the knife, blood start coming little.

"Sanskar stop this madness. I'll not go" Swara Said in tears throw the knife snatching away and hug him tightly.

Sanskar hug her back tightly...."so you remember everything" he said in her ears.

Swara closed her eyes as now she can't hide. She have to say everything happens to her and why she's doing all this.

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#next update will be after Laxmi Puja

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