6) Savior or Davil

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Scene opens at road,

Swara looking at the person in shock.

" What the hell rajat leave my hand" she said angrily.

" Why are you ignoring me?? Can't you see how much I like you?" Rajat said angrily.

Swara are trying to free his grip but it's too difficult.

" Leave me" she shouted.

" I won't" he said and tried to take her in car.

But suddenly a punch land on his face and he's in floor.

Swara looking at a person who is punch him, and there's Sanskar.

Sanskar beat him so much..." How dare you" he's repeating the word.

Swara looking at Rajat, Sanskar gonna kill him if he continuously beating him. Swara held his hand and take him back with so much difficult.

Rajat take this time and run away. Sanskar turn back and looking at swara angrily. She left his hand.

Sanskar held her hand and take her to his car , pushed her inside and drove to her home.

Swara shockingly looking at his angry face, he drives the car 100km. Swara looking at his angry face but didn't say anything.

" Get out" he said angrily when the car stopped in front of her home.

Swara left and runs to inside. Sanskar left from his mansion.

Sanskar come at his mansion angrily and throw the things which comes in front.

" How dare he touch which is only belongs to me?" He said angrily and called someone.

" Atul , I'm sending some details of a person and you know what have to do" he said.

" Yes sir" said his PA Atul.

Next morning,

Ragini went towards swara and seeing her Swara becomes confused.

Ragini told her Sanskar said her to last night incident.

" Rajat is always tried to flirting with me, I don't know he'll doing misbehave. I feel so scared that time" Swara said.

" Don't worry, Bhai will handle it" Ragini said.

" What you mean?? Why will he helped me?" Swara asked in confusing.

" Umm... don't think about it so much. Let come, I'll drop you to office" Ragini said.

Swara tried to resist but she dragged her. Both went towards her office.

Swara didn't saw Rajat today, she feels relax but wonder also, why that jerk will help her. Why he's behaving like savior and nowadays he didn't bother her also.

She thinks maybe Ragini talk to him that's why.

Another side, Rajat is lying in floor unconscious, he's brutally beaten by the guards and Sanskar.

Sanskar just want to kill him, how dare he thought to snatch the thing which is only his.

So he kidnapped him here, after teaching him a good lesson he order the guards to throw him in front of his house.

He's so tense, he wants Swara anyhow and Ragini didn't send him till any information. He's taking his frustration on poor employee.

He's avoiding Kavita's calls also, Kavita is went Paris for a fashion show for 6 months.

Days passes and now it's 13 th day of Sanskar's challenge, only two days left and he wants to win anyhow.

Ragini and Swara is becoming so good friends, now swara is so much happy. She got her old self back and there's no one who will destroy it.

But destiny always play. Whenever we think everything is gonna perfect now, our fate starting to play and show the hell.

The Same thing is happening to swara, she's forget about 15 day challenge or Sanskar. She's just enjoying her life now with her new friends.

At night swara is doing some study, as now she join online MBA, she wants to complete her studies. Suddenly her phone beeps.

She looks the watch it's 1pm, who can call her this time. The sake of people's she knows only her kavya di, and some friends but who can think about her this time.

She looks the phone and there's a MMS, she frowned and look the sender ID , it's by an unknown number.

She opens the MMS had looking it wide eyes, she's held shocked to seeing it. Tears fall from her eyes looking it.

Then suddenly her phone rings. The unknown ID.

She received it immediately..." hello" she said. Her voice is prove of her crying state.

" Why are you crying baby?" Said the opposite voice, he's smirking.

Listening the voice Swara becomes numb to think anything..." Sanskar" she whispered.

" Who can be? Now you have tomorrow only as our 15 days challenge will be end tomorrow. So decided and inform me. And don't think to run or do something stupid otherwise the consequences is in your phone" Sanskar said and cut the call.

Swara started crying.... Swara's POV

Why? Why?...why always do this to me God. What have I done bad that's you are punishing me like this?.

I didn't remember that stupid challenge and he's still there. Now what will I do?

I can't let anything happen to Kavya di..she is innocent. She didn't know anything.

I'll do whatever he will say but I can't let anything happen to my only family.

(She's crying so much hugging her knees)...But how can I accept his disgusting challenge.

I know what he wants...but wait maybe Ragini will help me.

End of POV

She picked her phone and Dial Ragini's number, after sometime she picked the call.

" Ragini, I need your help please... Sanskar is blackmailing me.. please Ragini help me" Swara is crying so much.

Ragini sit up and understand everything..." Sorry Swara sweetie, I can't help you. And it will better if you follow my brother's order. Now don't disturb me." Ragini said.

Hearing it she's in another shocked the person she thought as a friend, she's telling all this and more heard her anyone can say she knows all.

" Why?" Swara said, she's numb to react anything only this thing is running in her mind 'why'.

" Because I love my brother and I can do anything to help him" she said and cut the call.

Swara is crying so much, she just wants to die at this moment. She can't do what he wants and she's also can't risk about her sister. What will she do now?

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