17) Hot romance 18+

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Suddenly a thunderstorm sound made Swasan broke there romantic eye lock, swara flinch little.

"Swara I think it is going to rain. Let's go inside" saying he take her inside the mansion.

Both comes inside the room and again a loud thunderstorm sound made swara scared. She hugged him tightly.

"Swara relax" he said caressing her back. The rain starts.

Swara broke the hug and looks at Sanskar, who's already looking at her.

Both leans towards each other and again lost in slow kiss.

He's caressing her nape with one hand and other on her waist. She's pulling him closer and caressing his hairs.

Breaking the kiss both lost each other's eyes. There's eyes showing the desire they had for each other.

Sanskar break the eye lock..."you go and changed.. it's quite late." He's about to go but she hold his hand.

He looks at her confused. She bite her lips and take a relax breath

"Sanskar..make me yours" her cheeks had shade of pink, at the time she said.

He comes near her and cupped her face..."you don't need to hurry..you have full life for it" she nods in NO.

"I'm ready for it. I want to be yours in all Sense"

"Are you sure?" He whispered.

"Yes..1000%" he chuckled.

He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, she closed her eyes. He kissed her both cheeks and again capture her lips.

They're breathing heavily, due to long kiss they just shared.

Sanskar pinned her to the wall and again captured her soft, Pink lips..

The kiss filled with passion, desire and the more important Love... it's like he's not get enough of her lips.

They kiss hungrily each other, Sanskar is sucking her tongue and his hand roaming on her body making her shudder.

Swara hold his hair more tightly and also trying to match his passion.

His hand went on her upper part and cups her breast through the blouse, she moan in between the kiss.

Swara got out of breath and they pulled away, Sanskar trialed down and give wet kisses on her cheeks to ears..her jawlines to her neck.

He bite her neck harshly making her hissed in pain, but he soothing the pain licking the biting area.

He comes near her cleavage area and liking, sucking there, "saaannnsskarr" swara moan loudly when he sucking the exposed area of cleavage very hard.

He unpinned her pallu and it fall down he moves her blouse sucking her now exposed shoulder when she clutch his shirt tightly.

Sanskar looking at Swara who's breathing heavily closing her eyes. He peak her lips.

" Swara open your eyes." He said in husky horny voice.

Swara open her eyes and looking at his intense, intimidating desirable eyes which make her blush and Sanskar let out a chuckle.

" Swara did you want me?" Sanskar said rubbing her stomach with one hand and other hand roaming sensually to her neck to cleavage.

The sensual touch made her breathing more hot and she nodded.

" Use words baby." Sanskar said and now his hand pulled her Saree leaving her in blouse and inner skirt, Making her go all red in shy.

" I wa...nt...u... make...m..e yours...ummm." Swara said moaning and he again captured her lips.

He didn't let go her lips and she hold his neck, Sanskar take her in his arms and made her laid in bed.

He come over her and starting giving wet kisses in her neck, he give hickey which made her moan loud.

Sanskar open her blouse in one moment and start giving kisses, bite on her stomach while squeeze her breast through the bra.

He comes and looking her flush face and remove her bra, and looking her now expose Brea*t. She bit her lips looking at his intense gaze.

He sucking, biting her one breast making patterns with her tongue, while cups other..

He left the right and start sucking left breast, all this swara is moaning loudly.

" Aaahhh .. Sanskar.." she moaning while he sucking them more hard.

He comes down and giving bites her waist, stomach. He bite hard on her belly button.

He removed her inner skirt leaving her only in pa**ie.

He gives kisses on her toes to knee and come on her thighs, he gives wet kisses on her thighs around all the area then gives kisses there over on the last clothe on her body.

" You're so much wet jaan." Sanskar said making her more blushing and flush.

He then sit up and open her shirt, jeans looking at her body.. while she looks away feeling so shy.

" No jaan look at me." Sanskar said and comes over her.

Swara can feel his naked body and his hard part which rubbing on her already wet pu***y.

He kissed her lips then trailed down on licking biting her breast , stomach then pulled down her pan***s and kiss there, licking there.

Swara felt so dizzy due this heavenly feeling, and sanskar is tasting  her liquid.

Soon he put his one finger inside her and did in & out faster making her moan loud "aahhh...uuumm"

Then he add his another finger, she hissed but soon feel the pleasure, Sanskar fingering her and also licking her. But after he add third finger and she feels so much pain.

Tears rolled from her eyes due this pain, he kiss and lick her tears and starting sucking her breast,to distract her and also fingering her. She moan loud due her cum.

He left his finger and suck them making her blush hard..he capture her lips and she can taste herself on his mouth.

Sanskar made position and give her kiss " it will be little painful but I'll be gentle as it's your first time." Saying this he put it in his d**k near her cu*t and entered inside her slowly.

Swara hissed in pain and screaming, Sanskar kiss her and let her adjust to him. Soon when he feels her adjust, he start moving.

Swara feels pain and pleasure, he increased his speed while Swara started moaning loudly.

" Aaahh...umm... saaannnsskarr aahh"

Sanskar groaning and moving in and out.." you're so tight jaan it's feels so good"

Sanskar gives biting her neck and then sucking her breast still moving.

Swara hold his waist with her legs and pulled him more closer to her, Sanskar is moving more fast while sucking her breast

After 2 hours long made love they realised in together and breathing heavily.

Sanskar kiss her lips hard still inside her, he flipped there position and make her lying over her, Still kissing her, tasting her sweet mouth.

They are sucking each other's mouth, tongue. Sanskar cups her butt.

She gives wet kisses on his chest and bite too. She's giving him lots of kisses on his body and he hold her butt and moving her.

Soon she start riding him and he's groaning in pleasure and she's moaning his name. He hold her breast and squeeze it hard making her scram.

He again flipped there's position and move inside her hard, deeper. After some time they again released and breathing heavily.

They continue there's make love in full night and stop in the morning. He pulled her closer on his chest, she hug him and both fall asleep peacefully.

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