13) Surprise

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Next two days pass like this. She's feeling so awkward seeing his strange behavior but remain quite as it's not good to mess up a devil like him.

She's standing near mirror combing her hair thinking about her ongoing life.

Sanskar just comes out of bathroom after bath. Seeing her beautiful wife...he went near her.

Swara is lost to in her own world so she didn't saw him.

Suddenly she feels two hand on her waist.. caressing her stomach and kissing on her nape.

She looks towards mirror and finding her so called hubby...in this day she's habitual all it but feel so much angry.

Angry with him and more to herself because his touch are not disgust her like before..she feels goosebumps and some weird sensation..how could she feel like this for The Devil Sanskar Maheswari?

She herself don't find any answers which made her irritated.

She tried to push him but his grip is tight. She take a breath as it's impossible to push a wall... "idiot who said made that muscular body??

What... muscular body??..Swara you gone mad..arrgg" she's busy in her thoughts that didn't saw he left her and looking at her face.

" Are you here or any other world?...what are you thinking?" His voice made her deaf ears open but she's still in her world.

" Thinking about your muscular body" she said lost but soon realize what she said and looking at his face.

The popular smirk is playing on his face hearing that.."muscular body.. huhh??" He pulled her closer and she's cursing her mouth mentally talking.

His lips playing a devilish smirk and she feels so stupid..he again comes close to her and kissed her forehead.

" Get ready fast... I'm waiting for breakfast" a order reflect in his voice.

She's looking herself in mirror and after his leave she give glare to herself..."you stupid Swara... think about to run from this devil not about his body..aarrgghh...stop it Swara how much he's sweet.. remember one thing he married you forcefully and blackmailing you. He's lust after you and now thinking to play something. Don't fall into his trap" after giving herself a big lecture she comes at dinning table.

Both are having breakfast. She didn't dare to look up and just looking at her plate and eat. She could feel his gazing on her and eating breakfast. It's like he's eating her. She feels more frustrated.

"Get ready I'll be taking you at night. Dress and other necessary things will send to you afternoon." He said before leaving office after finishing his breakfast.

"Where we are going?" She asked in Confused, she had a fear what if he hurt her. This devil is making her life already hell. He's behaving nice now but what if it's all his acting....she can't trust this man.

"It's surprise" he said and left not giving chances to ask any farther questions.

She have nothing to do so she laid in her bed thinking about her life...how much she's happy with her parents and now here with the great Sanskar Maheswari her so called forcefully husband.

She's still hate Ragini for betrayal her. Now she's afraid to trust anyone. She's all alone and no one is there. She miss sharmistha her mom so much. The way she's caring her, when ever she upset she touch her head and it's like all problems flew away.

She didn't realize when sleep take over her.

"No please don't do this"Swara plead to Sanskar who's approach her with little step and his lips playing his devilish smirk.

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