25) Swasan Happiness

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Kavita start going in her mansion with angry face as her all plan flops and now that deep is not picking her calls, but then she stop seeing police and some people's in front of her mansion.

"What's going on here?" She said in attitude, she's a super model and seeing the neighbors looking her home like this she feels more angry...she loves her respect and fame in society.

"Miss Kavita you are under arrested. We found you're doing drug dealing and (point towards the drugs) we also finds prove" Kavita is shock hearing police.

"It's all wrong, I didn't had any with this drug. It's all are planning to defame me" her shouted is like nothing as the lady officer handcuffed her.

Then Police give her a phone...she take it immediately.

"Hey Kavita...how's my surprise?? You really think I'll let you go so easily..so enjoy yourself in your new home and now your career also finished. So good bye babe" Kavita shocked to hear Sanskar voice and understand very well it's all his plan to punish her. Tears comes out seeing full media there...the media who used to give her fame now everything is shattered...her career and (looking sealed her home) her home. Now everything is finished.

Police take her in jail while Sanskar entered in his mansion and looking at Swara who's eating Ice cream.

Her lips had fill of chocolate which made him smirk.

Suddenly someone comes and suck swara's lips...for a moment Swara is shocked then realized it's Sanskar, She hit his arms playfully... she's so busy in her world that didn't notice him entering.

"Sanskar what are you doing we're not in bedroom" Swara said Shyly.

"Romancing with own wife I don't need room and besides it's my mansion" Swara rolled her eyes seeing his attitude.

"Okay now let's go...as I promised today for lunch outside" Swara smile wide making Sanskar so happy.

Sanskar pick her suddenly making her shocked then take her towards room and make her stand.

"Now you get ready" saying he kiss her cheeks. Swara giggle.

"Well you're telling me for a good news in phone..so what's it??" Hearing Swara Sanskar remember Kavita and smile.

"Well.... nowadays you had only one tension that Kavita. Now you should relax because she's now out of our life" Swara smile hearing it but get confused.

"How?..what you did?"

Then Sanskar explain everything her everything and swara get shock to hear Kavita's plan and how that chipkali want her husband madly.

Swara hug Sanskar emotionally..." Thank God everything is okay. I'm relax now"

Sanskar kiss her temple then both get ready to went lunch together. All time Sanskar made Swara feel princess, in restaurant also he feed her making her feelings blessed.

Swara's eyes filled with happiness, after so much stuffer finally she get so happiness.

After returning home suddenly Swara shout 'stop' making Sanskar shocked and worried but hearing her demand he hit his own head.

"Sanskar I want ice cream" Sanskar looking towards the ice cream stall.

"No Jaan, road side food is not good for you and you already eat a home" Swara made a sad face which he can't See and finally give up.

" Okay fine" Sanskar went towards stall and brought her favorite chocolate ice cream and give to her.

Swara eating Ice cream like baby and Sanskar admire her. She finished her ice cream and looking at Sanskar who's already looking at him so intensely making her shy.

Sanskar smirk seeing this and looks her lips which filled with chocolate making him so turn on. He bend on her and suck her lips so sensually and she moan little.

Soon the light kiss turn into passionate kiss. Sanskar broke the kiss and looking at Swara who's blushing so hard.

Then both went towards beach to spending more time holding each other hand walking on wet sand enjoying there's Moment.

Then both had dinner outside in restaurant.

All time when they had food outside Sanskar order the manager to made good quality food so that Swara's health not harm which made her so happy to see his caring side only for her , his Jaan

Both went towards home and get fresh. Sanskar is doing something on laptop and seeing it Swara gets angry as he promised today he'll spend together no work.

"Sanskar close the laptop, huhh see baby papa broke promise and start working (making pout face talking to baby" Sanskar amused seeing her child ness and chuckled.

"I'm angry and you're laughing" Swara said with a cute pout.

Sanskar close the laptop and went near her holding her waist..."so what my Jaan want now" seeing his naughty stare Swara blush while trying to push him but he more pulled her near.

He nuzzles his nose on her neck, her breath get fast feeling the sensation, it's not first time but still his closeness effect a lot.

Soon both start kissing each other passionately while she's caressing his hair and he's caressing her belly.

He cupped her breast making her moan in kiss. Breaking the kiss he trailed down kisses on her jaw, neck to collarbone. And she's moaning because his sweet torture.

Soon the floor filled with there's clothes and both are busy in making love with each other's.

Sanskar is doing all so carefully not hurt her little and saying words in her, how much beautiful she is, how much he loves her while she's moaning his name.

The room fills with there's moan and groan and then after he pull her closer hugging and kiss her forehead saying good night.

After wishing good night both fall asleep with a peace and swara pray just all this will be forever.

The moon light falling the sleeping couple making them more cute and as secretly blessed them to be together forever.

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