30) I'm your Swara

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Sanskar in between a week when Swara is hospital didn't went to meet her. His heart is telling she can't be his Swara. He can feel her closing eyes. He set his men's to find out about the accident then maybe he can know what actually happened.

"Bhai, did you love Swara's face?? She's crying telling Mom that you didn't love her now because of her face" Sanskar looking at Ragini. Today after a week Swara comes home, but as Sanskar didn't know. When he comes back home and finding Swara playing with Sara and all Family members are there he angrily take Sara away and shout...."you're not my Swara, stay away from my child"

He looks at Sara then Ragini.

"Ragu I love Swara so much you know and my heart is telling me that she is not my Swara. I can feel her always closing my eyes but now I can't. In fact I'm feeling my Swara needs me. She's in some danger"

Ragini looks at her brother, she knows very well about Sanskar's Love.

"But Bhai, her everything is like Swara and if still you can't believe. So let's take a test"


"Yes Bhai, you know about Swara everything..so let's see if she fail then it will prove she's not Swara." Sanskar nods.

Ragini stay there with Raksh for some days saying she wants to be with them. But actually both brother and sister are planning.

"Ragu Swara had allergies in peanuts. Let's see what will her reaction when I'll give her peanut butter with toast" Ragini nods.

Both are looking at Swara who's about to eat but stop.

"Sanskar it's peanuts butter, I've allergie. You forget?" Sanskar is in shock that she pass it but Ragini save Sanskar.

" I'm sorry I didn't know. I made these sandwiches"

"It's okay" Swara said politely.

At night Swara hold Sanskar hand.

"What are you doing?? Can't you see I'm your Swara? You're sleeping in another room and you're not letting me coming close to my own daughter. Why Sanskar?? Please trust me I'm your Swara. Ask me anything. I'll prove you, but trust me I'm your Swara" Swara is crying.

But Sanskar heart didn't feel bad, if it will be his Swara then he can feel. He freed his hand and looking at her.

"I don't know who you are but Don't think I'm fool. Swara is in my every breath and I can feel her, face is can change not a feeling. But I didn't feel anything for you. Even your cry. If something happens to my Swara I'll kill you." He left from there but stop hearing her.

"You never love me. You just love my face. Don't give me this bullshit talks. You have to trust me. That I'm Swara Sanskar Maheswari." She shouted.

Sanskar chuckled..."you can't be my Swara and I promise I'll find her soon then throw you out from here" he left.

Ragini is standing hearing there conversation, she looks at Swara who wins her tears and went to washroom. She comes inside and put a camera in her room then left.

Sanskar is laying on bed in another room and caressing Sara's head. Not only he but his princess face is also dull not feel her mumma.

He heard a light door knock and opening he found Ragini who smile saying her work done.

Sanskar is looking at his laptop but no anything suspicious on this girl. He strictly said Ragini to keep Sara away from her and Ragini do this. Both tried many things like asking about Swara and the things happen between them but she answered everything. But Sanskar's heart knows it can't be his Swara and understand very well who ever is come very smart and plan everything carefully.

Every night he used to cry and worry same time where can be his Swara. It's become one month. He feels alone..he feels incomplete.

According to his detective the accident is planned but who did is a mystery and more the person who take swara to hospital is also is mystery. Now they're trying to find who's take Swara to hospital but in road there's no camera and in hospital footage also his face is not showing.

They're trying to find all CCTV but till now nothing comes in hand which making him frustrating. And now Ragini is also support her brother staying there in 1 Month. She didn't find suspicious but the way Swara talk to her and now this new is little different so she had a little doubt.

One fine day, as Ragini is trying to get a moment to searching her room find the time and after checking whole room she get a phone. It's not swara's phone whom it can be. Opening it she find only a number save in it. Other details like call, massage is all deleted.

Ragini send the number to Sanskar and said to find about it.

Sanskar can't find the name but it was from Bangalore. Then he have to go there may be then he can find his Swara.

Then his eyes fall on a business party which invitation he get today from a partner but he's not going there before. But now he hold the card and smile.

"Swara soon I'll find you. I know the girl who's claim to be Swara is not. I can feel you in my heart. You're my Jaan and Sanskar Maheswari will fine her Jaan soon" he said determination to this time he'll be back with Swara.

He called Ragini and said to take Sara and that's girl and stay in Maheswari Mansion as he's going out. It will be Dangerous to Ragini be with this girl when she had two little babies with her Raksh and Sara.

Ragini said Swara that bhai went London to his business meeting and will come soon, he said to stay in Maheswari Mansion.

Swara nods yes, nowadays she's sad as Sanskar is not with her. It made AP sad as she saw her like her daughter but Ragini assure AP saying "Bhai will never do wrong with Swara and if Bhai Is saying she's not Swara then she's not."

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