Rules and Guidelines of Panem

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These Games are different. The rules and guidelines, therefore, are different. Some are deliberate changes to see if it works, some are small changes. You'd be well advised to read carefully. Ignorance of the rules will not be an acceptable excuse for breaking them. Significant changes to typical rules are italicized.


Welcome to the 51st Annual Hunger Games! These games are being run as close to The Hunger Games canon as it can. This poses some revamping of normal rules, though most of the general rules remain the same.

First off, these Games are ANONYMOUS. Plot twist! This is to ensure that it is the characters, and not the authors, who are being judged. You will reserve through PM. A pre-reservation lottery will also be in place, where you will PM me as well and you will be assigned a number. The winning numbers shall then be announced within a specified amount of time. After each elimination round, the author will be revealed. Anonymity and revealing is adapted from @katniss-everdeen 's Secrets.

VOTING is NOT anonymous. All votes will be public. Yes, your tributes will not have an author attached to them, but your votes will be public, up until semifinals. You ARE allowed and encouraged to vote for yourself. Essentially, think of the voters as 'sponsors', helping tributes make it through.

YOU SHOULD NOT TELL ANYONE WHO YOUR TRIBUTE IS. As incentive not to, and as a kind of cutthroat competition type of thing, if I find evidence that anyone has been actively telling others who they are, they'll receive a 0.5 point deduction on their task score. Yes, you may of course guess who everyone is, but be aware everyone wants to win, so be careful who you whisper your guesses to.

Changes in the scoring and voting system is discussed below.

Sponsorships are going to be based in canon. That means along with voting publicly to save people each round, everyone also has the opportunity to vote BY PM ONLY for a tribute they want to see helped for the next task ONLY. Yes, that's right, you're also going to be helping people along. A specified number of people will be sponsored each task, who by majority in PM will receive some sort of gift to assist them in entry. Sponsors will end in quarterfinals. You MUST send in a name if you also vote, otherwise your vote will not count.

Tasks will be announced on my profile or on chapter. If you'd like to get a personal reminder (as I will not be tagging users (obviously)) let me know.


The Fourth Annual Writer Games: Canon shall consist of twenty-four tributes, from Districts 1-12. Should significant interest be attained, those who wish may be put onto a waitlist, where they will have the chance to either submit a form should someone not hand in a form, or they shall take over or create a new tribute from someone who does not hand in the first task. Waitlist will be first-come-first-serve, just as reservations will be. Should more people not hand in first task than on the waitlist, a conversation will ensue between I and both parties to reach an agreement.

All deadlines will follow AST (Atlantic Standard Time). This is one hour ahead of EST, four hours ahead of PST, and four hours behind GMT. Should you follow a different time zone, you will be expected to convert it yourself. Excuses regarding not knowing the correct deadline will not be accepted unless in error by me.

Forms and entries will only be accepted to . No exceptions will be made unless extenuating circumstances come up in which you have typically sent by email but your email is not working for a limited time.

The Fourth Annual Writer Games: CanonWhere stories live. Discover now