District Nine Female - Lena Barkle

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Name: Lena Barkle

Age: Eighteen

District: Nine

Sex: Female

Physical Appearance: It is rare someone takes notice of Lena. Her olive skin and black hair make her effortlessly blend into the crowd. She stands just tall enough to not be considered particularly short, but short enough to be easily hidden from view by someone standing in front of her. She prefers it that way. Anyone who notices her is bound to notice her crooked nose, her oddly shaped eyebrows, and the way her eyes are too far apart. If they look too close they might even notice the limp way her hair hangs on her head or the dark hollows beneath her eyes. Invisibility is much better than that.

Personality: The few who know her well know that Lena's personality is a good match for her appearance, and it isn't a compliment. Everything about her screams non-confrontational- ironic, given that Lena never raises her voice above a quiet murmur. She rarely speaks to those outside of her inner circle and when she does, it's generally along the lines of a mumbled "pardon me" or hasty "sorry". Her quietness leads some to think her head is empty, but the contrary. Her imagination is quite active, from all the books, her mother says.

Background: Lena lived an average life in Nine. Her family never did well, but they did better than some. As the third child of nine, there were too many mouths to feed for her to stick around after turning eighteen. She's been living with her boyfriend ever since her birthday.

Reaped or Volunteered? Reaped

Weapon of Choice: Weapons make her queasy. But if she had to choose, a sickle. She's used those in the grain fields before.

Token: She initially wanted to take a ring from her sister but her mind was changed to a threaded promise bracelet from her boyfriend.

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